Imperial Presidency Supreme Court

Imperial Presidency 2 examples from 19 th century- Lincoln suspended Habeas Corpus- Jefferson bought Louisiana, wasn’t his Constitutional right- Jackson breaks up national bank into many “pet banks”- Jackson forced out Cherokee Indians even after decided on Indian side: “Supreme Court has made their decision; now let them enforce it.” 4 examples from 20 th century- FDR declared neutrality but sold Destroyers to Britain (Lend Lease) – Truman ceased a steel mill during Cold War because he didn’t like how it was running- Nixon ruined executive privilege, kept illegal actions secret until Supreme Court ruled it as a criminal investigation. (Watergate) – Nixon bombed Cambodia without Congressional approval, without congress or people knowing, caused country to fall under communism. – Reagan wanted to fund the Contras in Nicaragua who wanted to overthrow Communist rule, congress did not approve, so he sold weapons to terrorist group in Iran and used the money from the sells to fun Contras behind Congress’ back. -After FDR, no other president has approval to declare wars but invaded countries anyway, i. e. Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan, and Iraq.

5 factors which lead to Imperial Presidents- The world has become more advanced, Interdependent economy- The changing times causes people to want a powerful president – Foreign policy is main factor, because the decision to go to war (Doctrines) – Gradual change after states of emergencies, i. e. great depression, cold war, and now 9/11- The belief that U. S.

is super power, therefore leader of U. C. should be as powerful- The party system falling apart, party leaders were weak, organizations were irrelevant, and president was the focus due to media (internet, TV) – The decay of parties left him with control of political scene- The change in economy, gives government new powers, but the opportunity goes to President (FDR’s new deal) – Nuclear age gave president good reason for executive privilege because no one else should know. 5 ways Congress Checks President- They approve appointments made by president (Senate) Presidents win 50/50- The threat of impeachment- They work with press to expose presidential misconduct- They have ability to create institutions like council of economic advisors and national security council to check Truman, however he ignored them- War Powers Resolution, presidents can attack a country but only with good reason, can only occupy for 60 days max- Congress can modify a presidential budget request..