Important One Person Time

My name is crystal tina tenner. I am fifteen years old. I was born at Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, Ga. I was born into this world by my lovely mother Patricia Rainey on September 15, 1988. When I was born I was light skinned with light brown or sometimes hazel eyes, fat and full of joy. In my lifetime up to now I have had numerous of people that have been most important to me.

First and always first is my mother. My mother is most important to me because she for one thing brought me into this world, takes care of me and most importantly loves me. My aunt and uncle are also very important to me because they took me into their home and treated me as if I was their own child. One person that is important to me is my godmother. My god mother is always their for me, she helps me in life and she also takes full care of me in all possible ways. Another person that is special is my sister.

My sister is like my best friend because she does anything and everything for me even though she has 2 kids of her own. Last but defiantly not least, my best friends slash cousin. She is so important to me because she is always there for me when every I need her. She is the person other then my sister that I talk to. She is like a sister I never had. All of these people I love dearly and they love and care about me too.

In my lifetime I have had many important things that has happened to me. One time is when my sister had my baby niece. When she had her I was unable to be there but my mother was on the phone with me while she was in labor and it seemed to be the most beautiful thing ever. The first time I ever say her, she was so beautiful. Another event sorts like that was when my godmother had my god brother.

Except this time it was more serious because he was premature. When I first saw him he was so small and helpless but he soon after a while became healthy like any other child and now he is just like my niece bad. One most important event was when I went to my first concert. It was Scream Tour 2 starring Bowwow, B 2 K and IMX.

It was so special because I was seen some of my favorite entertainers in person performing. That day I was so happy and now after that I attend almost all of their concerts. So far at this moment in my life I have become very interested in quite a few things. One thing that I have become interested in has been fashion modeling and acting. I want so badly for my dream of becoming those to come true. I also have became interested in other things such as band, like any other girl boys, and many other things and most importantly I don’t let any of these things interfere with school.

I make sure what ever I do I keep my main focus on school. During my leisure time I like to eat, play sports, talk and hang out with my friends, sleep and just be myself. The person that I am today has been through so much to get where she is today and still has plenty more to come. I see myself as an achieved student and an achieved person overall. Although I still have maturity time left I have matured a lot and have become much more adult-like.

I see my self in the future as being my dream as stated before or being a children’s doctor but hopefully one of my dreams will come true. To try tom accomplish my dreams and goals I will strive for the best and just plainly work hard to achieve my dreams.