Information Technology is a fast paced and rapidly growing industry. Consequently, the competition in this industry has increased steadily over the years. In order to survive and maintain their market shares, IT-oriented companies, such as IT vendors and / or consulting firms, highly depend on the professionalism of their employees, quality of deliverables (recommendations and presentations) and services, business timing, and industrial (technical and functional) competencies. ASSUMPTIONS “h Each of you is an employee of a growing IT service provider / consulting firm. You are expected to show a high-level of professionalism while working as a team, with your peers and the lecturer, on this assignment. “h The lecturer will act as a and will decide on the human resources to be involved in the preparation of the proposal, Web page (if not already available), report, and presentation to the organization / company of your choice.
“h As IT professional, you will assume certain responsibilities. Choose up to 2 job titles / positions that you would like to be, e. g. Systems Consultant, Applications/Systems Programmer, or System Analyst. Ensure that the positions you have selected are reasonable for you to assume at this point.
To do so, you should refer to the classified ads on jobs, discuss or interview IT professionals, or read books on IT professions to get a better understanding of the profession you would like to assume. Your choices have to be discussed with the Project Manager during the project meeting. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS “h Each group should select a team leader. The team leader is responsible to submit progress reports at the specified dates and times. Should the selected team leader unable to carry out his / her responsibilities effectively, the Project Manager has the right to remove him / her and select a new one from the team. “h Each member should contribute and fully understands his / her responsibilities and the Firm! |s expectations that will be defined by the Project Manager.
“h Team leaders are responsible to maintain full electronic communications with the Project Manager at all times. Face-to-face meetings are strictly by appointments only. “h Each group is responsible to create a backup of all deliverables. The Project Manager will not accept any excuses due to system failure. “h The report MUST be written in grammatically correct English.
“h Your references MAY include catalogues, books, trade magazines / papers . “h The document specifications should be as follows: “h Font: Times New Roman size 14 (bold) for titles, size 12 (bold) for sub-titles, size 12 (normal) for content or subsequent texts. “h Page number: in the bottom-right corner of the page. “h Page margins: top (1 inch), bottom (1 inch), left (1. 5 inches), right (1 inch). “h The report MUST have a title page that is clearly visible without the need to open the cover.
Although the group is encouraged to use its own layout design, the title page SHOULD have the following 7 items: “h PUNJAB UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (Plus PUCIT Logo) “h UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB “h Introduction to Information Technology “h Title of the report “h Prepared for The name of the intended audience The name of the company Address of the company “h Prepared by Team members! | names & student ID Address of PUCIT “h Submission Date CIS Project Report Template “h First Phase of the Report covers first 14 points “h In second phase ALL points must be resubmitted by accommodating improvements in phase I “h The report should have the major items in the following order: 1. Title Page 2. Table Of Contents 3. Acknowledgements 4. Executive Summary (at least 600 words) 5. Introduction 5.
1. Project Scope 5. 2. Project Objectives 5. 3. Project Deliverables 5.
4. Task Allocation 6. Details Of First Client Meeting 6. 1.
Company Introduction And History 6. 2. Products 6. 3. Services 6. 4.
Customers 7. Organizational Chart 8. Functional Departments 9. Details Of Second Client Meeting 10. Problems With The Current System 11. Benefits Of Computerized System 12.
Ethics & Security Issues 13. Recommendations for Automation 14. 15. Proposed MIS Solution 15.
1. Information Flow Diagram 15. 2. Detailed Description Of The Proposed System 15. 3. Hardware Requirements 15.
4. Software Requirements 15. 5. Network Requirements 15. 6.
Proposed Budget 15. 7. Cost Benefit Analysis 15. 8. Screen Shots (User Manual) 16. Conclusion (at least 600 words) 17.
References 18. Appendixes PARTNERSHIP While you are encouraged to discuss the assignment with your colleagues from other groups, all deliverables presented for assessment should NOT be a joint effort with groups other than your own. External assistance in preparing the report, for example typing, formatting, programming, or graphic designing services, is NOT ALLOWED. Failure to satisfy this requirement means your group will receive an F (FAIL) or ZERO (0) mark for the assignment. OWNERSHIP All proposals & reports submitted remain the property of PUCIT. Therefore, ensure you make at least two copies of your group proposal & report.
PRESENTATION REQUIREMENTS “h The maximum length of presentation is 12 minutes for groups with 3 members and 15 minutes for groups with 4 members. The group should allocate enough time for each member to present and answer questions posted by the client. It is VERY important that every member is fluent in the solution. “h Ensure that the presentation is properly and professionally prepared, placing emphasis on the relationship of each point presented, convincing alternatives, preparation, language clarity and audibility, flow of presentation, timing, manner / professionalism , effectiveness of visual aids and relevancy of the material used for presentation. “h Your presentation MUST be run from the computer in the lecture room. No other equipment can be brought in for the presentation.
MORAL OF THE ASSIGNMENT Information Technology is a fast paced and rapidly growing industry. Consequently, the competition in this industry has increased steadily over the years. In order to survive and maintain their market shares, IT-oriented companies, such as IT vendors and / or consulting firms, highly depend on the professionalism of their employees, quality of deliverables (recommendations and presentations) and services, business timing, and industrial (technical and functional) competencies. Through this project, you will have the chance to prepare and be exposed to potential challenges and eventualities upon embarking into the industry looking for opportunities. You will also have the chance to be exposed to activities of analytical & critical thinking, team working, providing solutions and services to clients, and demonstrating your communication skills. This project may also be a medium for you to be exposed to the practice of professionalism in a real-world organizational setting.
Good Luck!