I have mixed feelings about the internship I did last semester. In one way I am extremely glad that I did it, and in another way I am not. The internship was at Burgess Elementary School working with first and second graders in their music classes. My reason for choosing this internship was that I am very musical and enjoy it very much and I wanted to see what it was like to have this type of musical profession. I really enjoyed working with the children very much, and of course Mrs. Kruczek as well.
I learned a lot about things like teaching music, putting on concerts, techniques, and the different levels of music. I think that this type of internship work is very beneficial to people who want to go into a profession where they want to teach music to elementary school kids, but it is not the best choice if you want to become a professional performing musician, or something on those lines. For me, it was a good choice because I am not sure yet where I want to take my music when I am out of college, so it opened up the doors for teaching, but it might not have been the best choice for that reason because it is very limited to what you actually learn. I do not regret for one second taking part in this internship. I am very thankful to have been able to do something such as this, and I believe it has helped to narrow my mind in the decisions I will make for my future in college. In a way I wish I had chosen an internship where I could have learned more stuff then what I did, but it was definitely a good start to broadening my horizons..