Introduction To Literary Analysis Essay

Happy is England! I could be content Metre The common metre style in the Italien sonnet is the iambic (line 1-8). But in line 9, 11, 13 and 14 the iambic is interrupted by the trochaic style. These lines rhyme with each other (daughters, waters; clinging, singing) and show a hexametre instead of a penta metre. Rhyme The form of the sonnet shows us an end rhyme with an embracing rhyme scheme from line 1 to line 8 (abba). The next 6 lines have got different rhyme schemes witch I can not analyse (cde; dec). In line 2 and 3 as same as in line 10 and 11 I found an initial rhyme (to…

no other; enough their). Within line 7 the sonnet show an rich rhyme (upon-on-throne). And within line 8 I found an identical rhyme (world-wording). Syntax In Line 2 and 3 the words follow one after another and have the same structure. This is called parallelism: “To see no other verdure than its own; To feel no other breezes than are blown”Happy is England” in line 1 and 9 represent an Inversion.

The normal form would be England is happy. Same examples are in line 5 and 12 (“Yet do I”). Weingarten, 19. 05. 2003 Tasks of Literary Studies Literary Studies investigate objects of literature on a scientific describtion level.

That means, literary texts, authors, readers and the artificial speech of literature are going to be described and classified by theory’s, methods and terms of Literary Studies by means of a technical language. Forms of survey: O Analysis Survey of text components and precisely describtion of text characteristics O readings several possibility’s to get the sense in or out of the text O interpretation interpretation of the text, discovery the meaning of the text and finally the representation These three forms are different terms of the survey of a literary text. If they want to have the right to be scientific they must fulfil several important tasks: They must… : .

be clear, precisely and comprehensible. be unambiguous. be systematic. have clear methods. have a context. be understandable and correct.

establish the relations to former researches. state all sources and works of secondary literature. have got a sense. be economic. be provable The Scientific method of interpretation and explanation is also the interpretation of grammar and rhetoric. So textunderstanding is not something fixed or set, textunderstanding is the whole out of the particular and the particular out of the whole.

Therefore we also need the help of other subjects like linguistics, social studies, philosophie, art and history.