Inventions of the 1920’s to 30’s Through out the 1920’s many inventions were created that altered human civilization. Transportation was successfully mastered. Radio communication was becoming more common and medicine was saving more and more lives every day. In this year Henry Ford created the first affordable, combustion engine car called the Model-T. The creation of the Model-T changed the lives of every American. Vehicles were looked at as a way of freedom and excitement.
Soon after, every household in America had a car. The demand for vehicles sparked a whole new industry, creating jobs, more revenues and improving the American economy in every way. With so many vehicles on the roads, roads needed to become bigger and better which spawned a nation wide road construction. This also created more jobs and strengthened the economy even further.
(Inventions: Car) The Airplane was first invented in 1903; it amazed everyone but never really took off because of how dangerous it still was. They used planes in WWI but they threw them aside. After WWI (around mid 1920’s) the Federal Government had the idea of airmail. This was readily accepted; instead of receiving mail in two weeks it would only take a couple of days.
Soon after this, transporting people quickly caught on although only the upper-class people could afford it, it soon became accessible to almost everyone. (Inventions: Airplane) 1879 the first radios were created they were big, bulky and got poor reception. In 1920 the radio was improved lightweight, small and got good reception. In 1922 the first radio station was created in Pittsburgh. It was a great success. The radio created a way for people to convey information and interact with each other.
This was one of the most important inventions of the 20’s because it brought all the nations together. (Inventions: Radio) In 1920 one of the biggest life saving inventions was created. Out of the University of Toronto Dr. Fredrick Banting and Charles Best were able to create a pancreatic extract that was successfully tested on a dog. Prof. J.
J. R. MacLeod who provided the lad and the scientific direction to Best & Banting soon put his entire research team to work on purifying insulin. The first test was done on a man named Leonard Thompson in early 1922. It was a great success. The discovery of insulin, although not a cure, saves millions of diabetics a year and was the biggest medical invention of the 1920’s.
(Discovery Of Insulin) One of the funniest although interesting inventions I stumbled upon was, sliced bread! Bread was probably made about 12, 000 years ago, by mixing grains and water. It was probably tough and was cooked by putting hot coals on it. It wasn’t until about 1912 that Fredrick Rohwedder had the idea to create a bred slicer. All the bakers he talked to complained that the loves would go stale. So Rohwedder created a wrapper. He went to a Bakery in Battle Creek Michigan; they loved his idea and started making pre-cut loves.
(CBC 4 Kids: Sliced Bread).