On the night of the Feast of the Epiphany (January 6 th) at the end of the medieval Christmas season, in the year 1412 during the final waning period of relative peace secured by the Truce of Leulinghen, a baby was born to Jacques Dark (or “d’Arc”) and his wife Isabelle in the village of Dom remy. She was christened Jehanne (“Joan”), apparently after her mother’s sister Jehanne Lasso is, or her godmothers Jehanne Royer, Jehanne de Vite au, and Jehanne’ the wife of Mayor Aubert.” Lord Perceval de Boulainvilliers later claimed that the roosters of the village “like heralds of a new joy”, Hailed her both by crowing long before dawn, as if to announce a different type of dawn. Her childhood was spent among the forests and strawberry ” covered fields of the meuse river valley, during a period of increasing trouble for the Kingdom of France. The throne at the time was occupied by the fourth king of the Valois dynasty, charles VI (aka Charles “the Mad” or Charles “the Well-Beloved”), who us frequent delusional periods rendered him unable to govern.
The monarchy was therefore placed in the hands of several members of the Royal family (the Dukes of Orleans, Burgaundy [Bourgogne], Berri, and Bourbon, plus Queen Isabel), and this warm extended family had become embroiled in a vicious civil war after Duke Louis of Orleans was assassinated on the orders of his cousin, Duke Jean-sams-Peur [“John the fearless”] of Burgundy in 1407, France would henceforth be divided between the Orleanist (or Armagnac) faction and their Burgundian rivals. In may 1413, when Jehanne was still a baby, the conflict produced the Cabo chien Revolt in Paris, a Bloody uprising engineered by the Duke of Burgaundy, , led by a prominent Parisian but sher named Simon Ca boche, and encouraged by a 42 year old clergyman and Burgundian partisan named pierre Cau chon, whose pro-English sympathies would later lead him to commit his other best-known cream Jehanne’s Conviction in 1431.