Job Shadowing Project The business that I chose for my Job Shadowing Project is actually the school that I attend to. I go to school at Brewster High School. The profession that my tenth grade art teacher Rochelle Kaplan chose is a great interest for me. So I chose to interview her.
Mrs. Kaplan teaches photography and studio art. During her day she also teaches grades sixth and seventh creative art at Wells Middle School. Rochelle has many tasks and responsibilities being a teacher. The responsibilities for her are basically grading tests and artwork using rubrics.
She also has to find interesting ways to introduce new projects. And for the projects she makes sure that all students are accountable for their work. She loves teaching art and teaching students to love art as much as she does and to help them improve at it. Mrs.
Kaplan needs to have skills and all the equipment in order to complete the responsibilities through out her day. To teach students she uses equipment such as pencils, markers, paint and many different media to create each project that the student designs. For photography she uses film and cameras. To develop the film Mrs. Kaplan has to know how to use and clean the darkroom.
Besides all the equipment that she needs she also needs to have “people skills” in order to be successful in her career. The “people skills” that she does are speaking in front of an audience. Which are her students as well as other teachers and the students parents. In order to teach in any classes teachers need to have patience at all times even on their stressful days. Mrs. Kaplan tries to be fair to all.
When I went to interview Mrs. Kaplan she was very busy working with the students. That’s why you should get educated because there is a lot of work to handle. If someone wants to be an art teacher for a career they should begin by getting a masters degree by majoring in art and education at college. I think the starting salary for an art teacher is around $29, 000. Before earning that amount of money you should get educated for at least ten years.
This experience made me think about starting a career involving art. While watching Mrs. Kaplan teach her students, I thought to myself that she would never get sick of her job. I saw it in her eyes and the way she taught that she enjoys what she does for a living. I think that I would enjoy it to.