John Keats Works Writers Period

“Romanticism is precisely situated in neither the choice of subject nor in exact truth, but in a way of feeling.” – Charles Baudelaire After the Enlightenment, there came a period in art dominated by those who rebelled against the growing middle class values and shunned patronage of any sort. This movement is known as Romanticism. These are the artists, poets, authors, and composers who believed in revealing the importance of emotion over reason. Romantics saw the beauty in nature and praised it, while an industrial revolution went on around them. The painters would portray never seen images, and musicians departed from the form and order of the Enlightenment by creating operas, dramas set to music.

The focus of all these works was to stir emotions, rather than appeal to the popular tastes of people. Romantics were not concerned with being praised, they wanted to people to be changed by listening or looking at their works. This was especially obvious in the literature of the time period. The imaginative works by the period’s writers exemplify Romantic ideals. Authors we consider as classics today emerged all over Europe, and even in the America. German writers like Johann Wolfgang won Goethe and Freidrich von Schiller’s works showed the need for freedom.

Works from France’s writers were some of the most popular of the time, like Alexandre Dumas’s “The Three Musketeers.” Perhaps the most famous French works are Victor Huge’s “Hunchback of Notre Dame” and “Les Miserables”, which portray human suffering at it’s worst, through rising emotions in the reader. Romantic writing was also very evident in Great Britain. Scottish writers like Sir Walter Scott and Robert Burns emerged with poems that showed great love for nature, and novels retelling history. But the poets whom felt the strongest about the Industrial growth around them were from England.

Alongside William Blake, Lord Byron, and Samuel Taylor Coleridge, British poet John Keats became known for his romantic style of writing. Keats was born into an imperfect world on Halloween night in 1795. While John struggled with a difficult family life in his early years, he studied literature at a good English school. At 16, he had lost both his parents. Under his new guardians, Keats was taken out of school to be an apprentice to a surgeon. Leaving that job after a quarrel with his master John was briefly a medical student in England but soon, in 1814 he gave up his life to literature.

In May of 1816 Keats’ first poem was published in a british magazine. Over the next year he would write 30 poems and sonnets. While his poetry and writing thrived, John started to attend Oxford. He was soon given the burden of caring for his younger brother Tom, who was stricken with the family’s hereditary disease of consumption.

While he tried to care for Tom, he finished his poem “Endymion.” Shortly before its publication he went on a hiking trip with some friends, but returned early due to signs of his own serious illness. Keats came back to bad reviews and a brother on his death bed. Soon after Tom’s death, Keats moved in with friend Charles Brown, and soon fell in love with Brown’s tenant, a Miss Brawn e. He dizzied himself with love and poetry and soon took a break by taking a typical job for a while.