John Proctor Play Abigail Witchcraft

2. Miller said, ! ^0 The form, the shape, the meaning of The Crucible were all compounded out of the faith of those who hanged. ! +/- Explain what he means and how his meaning is evident in the play. During the play, many innocent lives were sacrificed, such as , Rebecca Nurse, Giles Corey, and many others of the village. ! ^0 The form, the shape, the meaning of The Crucible were all compounded out of the faith of those who hanged. ! +/- This quote by miller indicates how the play was based on the sacrifices of the characters that were killed during the play.

The plot of the play was based on good vs. evil, the sacrifices made by the victims symbolizing the good, and the accusers symbolizing the evil. The faith of those who hanged, representing the good that was left of the town, made up the play since it was based on their tragic endings. If they had confessed of witchcraft, the purpose of the play would be somewhat different.

The dictionary meaning of! ^0 crucible! +/- is a severe test, as of patience or belief; a trial. The whole play is about the witchcraft and its trials. This indicates the importance of the souls of the innocent who held on to their strong beliefs in the play. 3. If audience sympathy were not with John Proctor in the matter of his adultery, we might be able to see Abigail! s side of the story. Write an account of Abigail! s feelings before she was caught dancing in the forest.

In The Crucible, John Proctor is a protagonist. He is sympathized by the readers to be the victim of the whole witchcraft trial. Abigail is considered the antagonist who stirs up trouble in the neighborhood. However, if one can shift their point of view, they would probably start feeling sympathetic towards Abigail also. Since the lechery occurred between Abigail and John, they were both responsible for their actions. In my opinion, if John was not the protagonist in the play, readers would probably blame John more for his lechery since John was an older and more mature person, compared to Abigail who was merely a teenager.

I believe that before Abigail practiced witchcraft to condemn Elizabeth Proctor and accused villagers of witchcraft, I understand how she felt. She! ^0 loved! +/- John and he put the thought that he loves her too since he had an affair with her. However, John! s lust for Abigail soon fades away and Elizabeth kicks her out of the house. From this, Abigail should have felt angry, upset, vengeful, etc. It is understandable that she felt jealous of Elizabeth. Although Abigail is considered the antagonist and is blamed by the readers, in honest opinion, they should really feel pity for her, when actually they feel.