KLINEFELTER SYNDROME Klinefelter Syndrome is a syndrome in which a person has an additional X-chromosome. It is not life consuming, but rather people who have this syndrome can live perfectly normal lives proper treatment and care. If precautions are taken early on. Dr. Harry Klinefelter and his co-workers at Massachusetts center hospital in Boston in 1942 first identified the syndrome. These men were of the first to publish a report on this syndrome in its whole, so as to not leave any questions in your mind about this syndrome.
What is Klinefelter syndrome? ? ? ? Klinefelter syndrome is a syndrome in which a person inherits an extra X-chromosome making their genetic makeup xx y instead of the normal How it occurs This syndrome occurs by natural selection in which the condition arises from chromosomal nondisjunction during meiosis in this process, the 46 chromosomes in the cell separate, producing two new cells having 23 chromosomes each. Before meiosis is completed, however, chromosomes pair with their corresponding chromosomes and exchange bits of genetic material. In women, X-chromosomes pair, in men, the X and Y-chromosomes separate, and meiosis continues. Otherwise it is not something that happens by the law of nature in which you are randomly chosen in its specific frame of how many times it happens, whom it effects, and how it happens. There is really no specific frame in which it invariably happens.
It is known through that it happens during the process of meiosis in which chromosomes split. WHO IT AFFECTS? ? ? Klinefelter Syndrome only occurs in males. This is so because females have a similar condition called Turner’s Syndrome who generally has the same side effects as Klinefelter Syndrome. Instead of having one X they have two. Where as in Klinefelter patients are XXY, instead of XY which is the normal.
PROGNOSIS Although many men can live out their lives without ever seeing the effects of XXY many men do see the effects of XXY, many men do see the effects of this syndrome. Common effects are; tall around six feet, small testes, inability to produce sperm, spare facial and body hair, and gynecomastia. A few associated conditions are: ? infertility? incomplete; feminine or pear shaped body? osteoporosis? venous disease? learning, emotional, and mental disorders? low energy? low self-esteem? communications difficulties? frustration based outbursts? motor skill issues? developmental delays Although these things are Klinefelter Syndrome, many doctors distinguish chromosomal anomalies. From any possible resulting syndrome diseases, and conditions. As I mentioned earlier not all XXY’s will develop any or all these conditions. Since the extra X is just one of the 47 and there’s a lot of other genetic material that can affect someone with this condition.
HOW COMMON IS IT? ? This syndrome occurs in 1 to 1, 000 approximately every so often. In live male births making its one of the most common chromosomal anomalies. This is identifying an individual through a Karyotype… How it is transmitted.
You can find 23 pairs of chromosomes in each cell of the body. These cells contain factors that determine coloring, features, and sex. Women inherit two X-chromosomes, one from each parent, men on the other hand inherit on X-chromosomes one from of their mothers and a y chromosome from their father which brings us to how its transmitted. No one really knows what puts people at risk of dreading a child with this syndrome. What researchers have been able to come up with is that advanced maternal age during pregnancy increases the risk for the xx y chromosome count. Researchers have also found that half the time the extra x chromosome is in inherited from their father.
How it is detectedKlinefelter syndrome is diagnosed before birth. It is detected through amniocentesis or chronic villas sampling. In amniocentesis a sample of the fluid surrounding the fetus is withdrawn. These cells are then examined for chromosomal abnormalities in chronic villous sampling the procedure is the same as in amniocentesis except that the procedure is done during the first trimester and the are taken from the Placentia. TREATMENT Due to the many symptoms and characteristics there is no one formula or treatment for it. Subsequently each male must find his own individual treatment because it varies differently in ever XXY male.
Most likely most of theses males will be treated by endocrinologist, which is a doctor that treats hormone producing glands, most of these patients will receive Hormone Replacement Therapy which is testosterone treatment to mimic the natural testosterone cycle of a male as closely as possible and to balance this system. Methods of delivery include: ? intramuscular Injections? skin patches? gels? implanted pallets? oral pills The most effective treatments are the patches and the injections. Even though this syndrome has many obstacles to overcome, the condition Is far from hopeless. With all the medical advances today the appropriate medical care can help prevent some of the symptoms associated with this syndrome. And can help someone live a perfectly normal life.