Life In Stratford Upon Avon

Dear Journal,

Hello. Life at home on Henley Street today is still as boring as ever. My building is as pretty as ever though, with the big slanted roof. But, I still don’t get to go to school, so I don’t get to learn how to read or write properly. Sure, I can write in my journal everyday, but that’s just for practice so I don’t forget what my father has taught me.

My mother tells me that I should be the best that I can be, but how am I supposed to do that without an education? Both my brothers get to go to the King Edward VI Grammar School 5 blocks away. Their headmaster is Thomas Jenkins. My brothers both started school when they were seven. They even get to learn Latin, starting with a Tudor textbook called Lily’s Latin Grammar, then studying works of the great classical authors. I know they try and help me when they get home, but they have their chores to do too. And they ” re always tired.

Their days are very tiring. School starts at 6: 00 AM during the summer and ends at 5: 00 PM, with a two-hour recess in midday. In winter, they endured a shorter day from 7: 00 AM to 4: 00 PM. Even bringing candles didn’t help the light. I still think that the fact that I didn’t learn from a real teacher, it’s still not the same. My brothers tell me that I am lucky, that I don’t have to go to school.

They say that it’s good that I get to stay home and sew all day, instead of being yelled at or scolded by the teacher. I suppose school is strict, but they ” re boys. Boys never behave. I know I will be a good student, no wait? -pupil.

I’m whining too much, but is this all I’m supposed to get out of life? Just cook, sew, and have children? At least I have some freedom at Church.

Every week at confession, I tell the priest all my thoughts about wanting to learn. He tells me it’s not right for a woman to know so much. I think that that’s so unfair. I know I should be grateful that I’m not poor, and that daddy is in the leather business. Mommy tells me that there are a lot of people being shipped to America as slaves. That doesn’t sound like much fun.

She also says that they ” re all crowded together, and have to “do their business” in public. I find that ghastly (Daddy taught me that word yesterday J). I’m glad I don’t have to endure something like that. I can imagine how bad it would be being at the bottom of a ship for months and months.

Journal, I have to tell you a secret. There’s this boy I think I like.

He is so tall and strong! My brother, James, brought him home to dinner once, and I couldn’t stop looking at him! His name is William, but we call him Billy. His father is a merchant, the famous John Shakespeare! Billy even asked me if I wanted to go down to the lake and fish with him sometime! I said I’d sure love to, but I don’t know if Mommy will let me. She might, because of the influence his father has on Stratford-upon-Avon. I hope she ” ll let me.

I know I would have a great time with Billy. He is sooooooooooo smart and handsome! I can’t wait until Billy comes over for dinner again. James told me not to bother him too much though, because he’s almost a man and I’m still a little girl. I hate it when James does that to me, I’m almost 13! He acts like he’s so much older than I am.

Oh! Oh! I must go now, Mother’s calling me. I think she may have something for me to do.

I’m back. The news wasn’t for me, but it did concern my family.

The school has reported that Latin isn’t enough for an education. The free tuition given at the School will be extended to include English grammar, reading and spelling. Handwriting and arithmetic have to be paid for at three guineas each subject each year and they also demanded that each boy had to pay money annually for the supply of coal during the winter. My father is worried because he’s not sure if we will be able to afford the new classes. I guess it’s a blessing I don’t go to school, right? I suppose I should go now. There are still chores to do.

Until next time,

Hailey Karnes.