In the poem “Storm Warnings” the use of organization and choice of detail help to reveal both the literal and figurative meanings of the title. The first stanza reveals much about an actual storm. Using the true events of a rising strom as details, the reader is first introduced to the literal “storm warnings”: “The glass… falling,”winds walking overhead” and “gray unrest.” Yet, the personification of the weather and use of words, such as “unrest”, adds a new element to the plot.
Somehow the storm is no longer just a change in weather, but comes to stand for an uncontrollable force. The speaker uses details of his own reactions to illustrate the anticipation and nervous feeling that overwhelms him before a storm or unstoppable force. This mood of anticipation is further emphasized with the idea of “air (moving) inward toward a silent core of waiting.” However, sharing the figurative translation of the “storm”, this idea also implies all the predictable, yet unstoppable acts that inflict man and man’s reactions. With this metaphorical view the speaker comes to the main point with his statement, “Weather abroad and weather in the heart alike come on regardless of prediction.” This statement is placed in the center of the poem for precise reasons. The speaker builds up to this revelation, but also uses this point as the breaking time from literal description of a storm to a more personal translation of “storm.” The reader now becomes aware of the speaker’s feelings of helplessness when it comes to the so called “storms.” In both cases, an extreme change of weather or a conflict within the “heart”, can be predicted, but not ” (averted).” Using the metaphor of “the wind will rise, we can only close the shutters,” reveals more about the speaker than ever before. From the given detail the reader can come to a realization that the speaker is in a state of despair and overwhelming reality.
The symbolic act of ” (closing) the shutters” reveals his need for escape and his inability to deal with uncontrollable situations or “storms.” At last the speaker chooses to convey his over all gained knowledge of ” (stormy) ” situations. Choosing to add this detail at the end allows for the rest of the poem to build up to this resolution. The speaker concludes with the statement: “This is our sole defense against the season; These are the things that we have learned to do.” This statement ties the entire poem together, expressing both the literal progression of a storm, but also the acts to be taken when in a conflicted situation, such as love. Therefore, the use of organization and detail help to reveal the dual meaning to the poem, “Storm Warning.” This poem expresses the literal fears that come with a “storm,” but also the hesitations and need for refuge against troubles of the “heart”.