Lord Of The Flies Symbolism

! ^0 We are violent creatures subject to spasms of intense irrationality, ! +/- wrote Michael Ventura in an article titled! ^0 The True Roots of Littleton. ! +/- William Golding represents this idea of humanity existing as cruel and sometimes illogical beings through his novel, Lord of the Flies. He tells a story of British boys that land on a previously untouched island, parallel to the Garden of Eden, and how, because of the absence of authority figures, the boys! civilized manners and habits decrease as their true inner evil and savagery intensify. As the boys become more and more native and forget about their past lives, luxuries, and laws, Golding uses symbols that represent their deteriorating civilization by showing that the boys, because of their evil inclinations, imbue a change in their surroundings like the conch, their clothing and the island itself.

The conch characterizes government and order. The commencement of the novel reveals that the boys use the conch for assemblies. Everyone obeys the signal of the conch, so that! ^0 by the time Ralph finished blowing the conch the platform was crowded. ! +/- As the plot develops, and everyone becomes detached and careless, the conch does not have the same grip on the boys. This happens around the same time that Jack, who represents savagery, gains more power and influence over almost everyone. By the time Jack becomes chief, no one listens to the sound of the conch.

Jack influenced them so as a result they have all become savages and will not yield to it. The fall of their government, which resembles democracy, to absolutely nothing, except possibly a totalitarian state where they all follow Jack, is shown through the conch. When! ^0 the conch explodes into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist, ! +/- it represents the complete destruction of any form of order. Savagery reigns. The island is rampant with anarchy and complete chaos, with no rules to abide by. The! ^0 beast! +/- eventually conquers most everyone.

The boys! clothing shows their leap into savagery. The boys have nice and neat clothing when the plane crashes and they land on the island. But as the days grow, with no parents to reprimand them about their appearance, and no soap to wash their clothes, they become more rugged. Their hair also becomes filthy and it grows to long lengths. The outer appearance represents the change occurring within the self. Clothing is a peek show to one! s personality, and because people form judgments from external appearance, people usually choose clothing to represent themselves.

There are clothes for any occasion; business men and women wear suits to work, joggers wear track suits or anything suitable for running, auto mechanics wear uniform work shirts with name tags. The boys, because of technological disadvantages, do not have the ability to make clothes and they end up wearing the same garments everyday, so as a result their clothes are filthy and rundown. They also proceed to wear less clothing. One of the main things that separate humans from animals is that we wear clothes, and by wearing less, the boys advance deeper into the primitive. Their inner crudeness is shown through the dirty ragged clothes they wear, the paints on their faces and their long untreated hair. They change from proper British children into dirty, evil, uncivilized animals.

The more savage they become, the more savage they look. The changes the island goes through shows the destruction done by humanity. The plane crash leaves a! ^0 scar! +/- on the island. It foreshadows the change the island is about to face, and it represents the mark that humanity has left on the world.

The boys! landing on the island and their takeover of it is a representation for the beginning of mankind as shown in Genesis of the Bible. God made the world, including the pristine, tranquil and beautiful Garden of Eden, which the island signifies. The scar the plane left is parallel to the creation of humans (the introduction of humanity to a previously untouched place). The island begins to lose its profound qualities as the boys begin to conquer, and is not as beautiful as it once had been, like the world today. The earth right now is polluted and positively not as lovely as it was previously. The boys! innate evil eventually dominates them, which is similar to people and the sins they have committed.

Nature and the boys! imaginations have a profound impact on the group, and eventually lead them to become uncivilized. The absence of authority figures and other positive influences gives them a helping hand of their jump into the primitive. Symbols and motifs in Lord of the Flies are used as a tool to increase and show this relapse; the conch represents government and order, the clothing symbolizes the increase of savagery, and the island shows the impact of humans and how much destruction they can contain. Through these symbols, the ideas that evil within the human spirit will conquer and destroy are shown.