1. “BASRA.” DAWN. March 29 2003. http: quickstart. clari.
netqs-sewebnewsdoHOW THE WAR IS LOOKING IN IRAQ. R 2 UPDJr. htlm March 31 2003. Basra is Saddams home town, and it is being destroyed to its bitter end. As many air-raids attack Basra, many start to worry about the innocent civilians. 2.
“CENTRAL IRAQ.” DAWN. March 29 2003. http: quickstart. clari.
netqs-sewebnewsdoHOW THE WAR IS LOOKING IN IRAQ. R 2 UPDJr. htlm March 31 2003. Central IRAQ has many loyal republican guards standing strong.
The U. S. is d roping bombs through air-raids not caring about the civilians in there homes. 3.
Di giovanna. , Mike. “Dodger Win Streak Ends at 10.” Times. 28 May 2003. D 1-D 5. The Dodgers win streak of 10 games came to an end after they faced the first place Colorado Rockies.
4. Foresman, Scott. PASOS Y PUENTES. New Jersey: HarperCollins Publishers, 1992.
Chapter 1 talks about how the Mexican language came to be, as well as how the writing came to be. Its mostly a summary chapter of the language. 5. Foresman, Scott.
PASOS Y PUENTES. New Jersey: HarperCollins Publishers, 1992. Chapter 2 talks about how the Means had such a great in pact into the Medical cultural and ways. It also talks about there buildings and technology. 6. Foresman, Scott.
PASOS Y PUENTES. New Jersey: HarperCollins Publishers, 1992. Chapter 3 has very simple vocabulary like car is carro and dog is perro. 7. Foresman, Scott. PASOS Y PUENTES.
New Jersey: HarperCollins Publishers, 1992. Chapter 4 begins to get more difficult because the accents come into play. 8. Foster, Chris. “Blank Check for Ducks.” Los Angeles Times. 28 May 2003.
D 1-D 9. This article talks about how the Ducks played a very un agressive game 1 of the Stanley Cup finals. This is the first time the Ducks trail in the playoffs this year. 9. H eisler, Mark.
“Mavericks Roll as Spurs Simply Fold.” Los Angeles Times. 28 May 2003. D 3. Dallas overcame a 19-point deficit to stay alive.
As they won 103-91. Unfortunietly the Spurs still lead the series 3-2 in the best of seven. 10. “House gives Bush authority for war with Iraq”, 2002.
CNN. POLITICS. October 10, 2002. web > Bush has been push nig and pushing the House to get the authority to go to war with Iraq. Bushes wish was granted, as he gets the permission he so disiared. 11.
“Intelligence Sources Show No Sign Saddam Alive.” AP News. March 31 2003. web March 31 2003. With most of Iraq already invaded, the question is where is Saddam at now? 12. “Iraqis attacking symbols of Saddam.” CNN.
WORLD. April 9, 2003. web April 16, 2003. Saddams re igm is now coming to an end, as joyufull Iranians take down one of Saddams large statues. 13. King, Dr.
JOhn. Conflict in the Middle East. New York: New Discovery Books, 1993 This book talks about when and how the conflict with Saddam began. One of the strongest reasons Bush and Saddam do not like eachother is “Oil.” 14.
Naidoo, Beverley. THE OTHER SIDE OF TRUTH. New York: Harp or Collins Publishers, 2002 This book is about how the African gang works in Africa. A young boy is caught up in the mix and he doesnt know how to get out of it, because he is trenghtend to be killed if he tries. 15.
Shaik in, Bill. “Bush Makes Angels feel Like Household Names.” Los Angeles Times. 28 May 2003. D 5.
After winning the MLB title, the Angels flew to Baltimore to meet with President Bush and award him the tradi onal jersey with his last name on the back. Inbarresingly, Bush called the Anaheim Angels “The California Angels.” 16. Terry, Mike. “Sparks’ Experience Pays off in Victory.” Los Angeles Times. 28 May 2003. D 7.
The Sparks trailed most of the game, but in the last 4 minutes there veterans found a boost of energy to defeat the Rockers, 79-71. 17. Thompson, Jackson. “SLAM UPS.” SLAM MAGAZINE.
1 May 2003. 45-46. A slam dunk is the show boat of basketball. If you can dunk, then you can play with the big dogs, says Jackson Thompson in his article.
18. Thompson, Jackson. “Getting Hoops.” SLAM MAGAZINE. 1 May 2003. 41-43. Jackson Thompson knows about jumping high.
He’s a 5’7 short guy that can dunk on a NBA size rim. He talks about how working you legs day in and day out get you the hoops you need to dunk. 19. Thompson, Jackson.
“The Secret to Jumping.” SLAM MAGAZINE. 1 May 2003. 37-39. Jackson says that stairs is the number one method to getting jumping abilities. He also incureages squares, and sprints 20.
Tolkien, J. R. R. The Hobbit Los Angeles: Ballantine Books, 1937. This is a story about a hobbit named Bilbo. Bilbo is lured into a journey that invovles stealing gold and jewels from a mean dragon.
He also goes through many obstacles and finds his inner strength and self-confidence as he becomes a true hero.