Throughout our lives we are seeking love in one way or another. At times we are wanting love so much that sometimes lust can be portrayed as love. As we listen to other people and there stories of love, we too begin to yur n for the same feeling of love. And at times we may take that feeling of lust as a substitute for that feeling of love. Many times we as people are waiting for love and begin to take lust and begin to alternate that feeling or emotion as love. Through time there are many ways people, may take two words and there meanings and fuse them into one.
As time goes on there are many ways that a word can change. The words love and lust soon become inner twined. The words love and lust are two words that are very different and are sometimes confused and mixed up. Many people believe that they are the same or similar, but in reality they are two very different words. The word love is now a word that is commonly used today. It has become a word that many people have taken for garnet.
Many people will use the word love when they may be in lust. Although a person may have lust for another person that doesn’t necessarily mean that that person is not in love with that person. When a person falls in love, they begin change the way that they fell for that person. Even though many people believe that they are in love with a person, it may also be a totally different feeling altogether.
How do we as people know that we are in love and not lust? There really is not one answer, but many, it all depends on the person that is in love. There are many ways a person can show love to another person. They may get that person a flower every morning or a person could call every morning to wake you up. There are many ways a person will show emotion or love for someone else it really depends on the person and there personality. To show love for someone, there is no limitation of how much a person can give. There are also many little things you can do to show love for another.
Like you could take them to the movies or dinner or even a simple phone call to see how they ” re day is going. These are a few great way to show a person that you care. Even though there are still many little things a person could do to show someone that you really care for them. When a person falls in love with someone else, you may not be able to tell right away, it might just hit you one day. When you are in love with someone, that is the best feeling ever. That person is the only one that is on your mind.
They are the only person that you want to think about. All you want to do is to see that person every minute of every day. That person is all you think about when you go to bed and the only thing that you think about when you wake up in the morning. These are just a few of examples of how love can effect your train of thought. Now that is not necessary a bad thing being in lobe with another person can be one of the best things that can ever happen to you. Throughout your life, you may have thoughts of lust for a person and that is sometimes portrayed as love.
Your first attraction towards that person, may be what there wearing or how they look that day. Sometimes that first impression may not be the best impression you could get the wrong impression and misjudge the person just based on there looks. But when your in love, all you care about is being around that person. The way a person dresses may cause a feeling of lust in a person.
Although lust may be your first attraction toward that person, that feeling can always change. As you start to talk more and more to that person, that feeling of lust will start to change into love. Soon you wont care about what that person is wearing or how their hair is done. All you care about is being with is that person, and spending as much time as you possible can with them. So even though many people think that lust is a bad thing that is not always the case. Sometimes lust may change your train of though and in some cases that could be a good thing.
As people get older there ways or tendencies start to change and they begin to want something else and may not know what that is. Then one day they meet someone and then they know what it is that they were looking for it was love. Throughout your life you my experience many things. Love and lust is one of them.
No matter where you go, who your with, that feeling will always fallow you. You maybe walking down the street and see someone in the neighborhood and decide to go and talk to them, and find out that you and the person have many of the some interests in many of the same ways. Then you start to date that person and you come to find out that, that person is the one hat you can’t get out of your head. They are all you can think of morning, day and night. that’s when it will hit you, your in love. that’s what happens you meet someone and your just happy being with that person and no matter what you are doing your either thinking of that person or trying to figure out a way that you can be that person.
So no matter where you ” re at or what you are doing, there is always someone out there for you and when you least expect it you will be caught in this net of love. Throughout your life you will experience many different things, some of them are good and others are bad. The same goes for dating some times you may think that you are with the right person and then you find out that person may not have as many of the same views on the same subject as you, so your feelings for that person start to change and eventually you break up. So then you have to ask your self was I in love with person or was I just in lust? As we get older we will run into this question many times.
All we can do is stay with that person to see and find out if the feelings that we have are real and not something else. When you start a relationship with a person you may not know what to feel right away it may take some time and in most occasions it may take less time. Starting a relationship is really hard to do sometimes you don’t know what to do or what to say. How do you start a conversation? When you finally have built a strong relationship you will know it. Then after a while you will feel funny inside and then it will hit you, you are in love and that emotion will start to take over and then you will become happier every day.
So when you least expect it, love will hit you and then your life will change. Though life you will experience many different thing and love will be one of them. For some people love will come sooner that others but in the end you will experience this great emotion.