Love World Time Makes

It’s strange how you meet someone Losing someone can be a heartache For the first time in your life and But keeping them close to heart is a It feels like your whole world Blessing. Has just enlightened. And how the dark clouds turned When a person makes you laugh and To bright sunny skies and the smile Enjoys your company, it makes you feel On your face glows for hours as Like your on top of the world, and Your mind is filled with happy Nothing or no one else matters. Thoughts. How you feel when that certain And even though this world is full of Someone tells you that you mean Wonders, wonders that cannot be reached The world to them, and how you Or touched, those that may come close Make their day every time they Are the ones that should be pushed. See you.

Its amazing how two people fall So when that certain someone tell you In love, but somehow something They love you, hope that it’s a love that Or someone always seem to get Will last forever, and last the whole day In the way. Through. But if that love is strong enough And it’s strange how you meet someone To hold that bond between the For the first time in your life, and it feels Two, then that love shall last Like your whole world has just Forever. Enlightened. Knowing that you are loved is One of the most wonderful feelings Of all, and willing to love is even a Greater feeling.