The Merchant of Venice The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare is about a Jew called Shylock who tries to kill Antonio, a Christian, by lending him money, but if he fails to pay it back on time, Shylock gets a pound of his flesh. Antonio is portrayed as a ‘higher’s oul basically because he is a Christian. A higher soul is someone who is poetic, likes music, or in the Medieval speech a Christian. Shylock is presented as a ‘lower’s oul, a lower soul is not poetic, does not have a good taste for music, or again in medieval context, a Jew. Throughout history Jews have always been persecuted, it dates all the way back to the Ancient Egyptians. The Egyptians used the Jews as a scapegoat for the country’s problems, so it was a case of follow the leader for the rest of history.
The Christians have been in charge throughout this persecution. This persecution continued throughout the medieval age, Jews were regarded as the killer of Christ, as it was said in the bible. They were very rarely allowed to enter highly paid jobs such as solicitors, and accused of almost every crime. Some countries went to the extreme of forcing the Jews into exile. Antonio is portrayed as a risk taker, “Bethink me straight of dangerous rocks Which touching but my gentle vessels sides, Would scatter all her spies on the stream Enrobe the roaring waters with my silks.” This shows that he is a risk taker because all his money is tied up in a ship which could be robbed or sink at anytime but he is willing to risk all his money and his life for a friend.
This links in with my next point. Antonio is a very loyal friend when he puts his life on the line for Bassanio, and has risked so much for him, “To you, Antonio I owe the most in money and love” Bassanio is very lucky to have a friend who is willing to risk everything for him and he acknowledges this in the above quote. Christians portrayed Jews to hate Christians, “I hate him for he is a Christian But more for that in low simplicity He lends money gratis.” Shylock says this about Antonio, a Christian, so other Christians may think, if they hate us then we should hate them. So then the Jews would think the same, and there would be lots of hate between them. Shakespeare presents Shylock as a ‘lower’s oul. He does this by making none of his speech poetic, and making him look totally different to all the other characters; these are two of the characteristics of a ‘lower’s oul, whereas Antonio and the Christians are presented as ‘higher’s oul.
Antonio continues to deride Shylock further and makes him sound even worse, “Mark you this Bassanio The devil can cite his scripture for his purpose… A goodly apple rotten at the heart.” This is implying that Shylock is the devil in disguise and at the time Shakespeare wrote this play, people felt very deeply about God, the Devil and Religion. To shoot down the Jews again, Solano says, “Let me say ‘amen’ bedtimes, lest the Devil cross my prayer For here he comes in the likeness of a Jew.” Again the Christians refer to a Jew as the Devil. Even though Jessica is the daughter of Shylock, she is portrayed and treated in a totally better way, “Fair thoughts and happy hours attend you.” In this quote Lorenzo is wishing good things on Jessica, the totally opposite to how he treats her father. To further back up my last point, Lorenzo again says, .”.. And now, good sweet, say thy opinion.” Lorenzo is flattering her and is treating like an equal by taking an interest in her opinion, I think that this is because she turns to the Christian faith later on in the play.
From my point of view Shakespeare, unlike most people of the time, held no grudge against the Jews and throughout the play he make the audience feel sorry for Shylock. I shall prove this in the following quotes. Shakespeare shows sympathy on Shylock, “Fair Sir, you spit on me Wednesday last- You spurned me such a day- Another time you called me a dog: and for these courtesies I’ll lend you thus much moneys.” I think that Shakespeare is trying to show that the Christians treat Shylock as a doormat and then expect him to lend them money. Even after Shylock has lent him the money they still hate him, “I am as like to call the so again, To spit on thee again, to spurn thee to.” This shows that even though Shylock has lent the person he hates so much money, he still hates him. I think, if this play was set now, then there would be no discrimination. Also think that if it were been wrote now, then the Holocaust would give people a totally different perspective.
Whereas in Elizabethan times this persecution was accepted and they thought that the Christians were the ‘superior’ race. Here Shakespeare shows that we are all the same, “If you prick us, do we not bleed?” This may think the audience think twice before cursing the Jews, because since they were born it was normal to disrespect them, so they have been blinded to the truth in a way. Now the horrible truth is exposed. In the Elizabethan era women were treated as property, rather than people, “I may neither choose whom I would nor refuse whom I dislike-so is the will of a living daughter curbed by the will of thy dead father.” Portia cannot make her own decisions because she is a woman and her father has to choose, which is sexual discrimination. Also women were not allowed to enter high places such as the courts, or any place of high honour. This is shown when Portia has to dress up as a male solicitor to defend Antonio.
In this play there is a lot of discrimination, especially towards Jews, as I said before now people know better than to discriminate against anybody whatever their race, religion or sex due mostly to the Holocaust.