“Alas, poor country, almost afraid to know itself. It cannot be called our mother, but our grave, where nothing but who knows nothing is once seen to smile; w here sighs and groans and shrieks that rent the air are made, not marked; where violent sorrow seems a modern ecstasy. The dead man’s knell is there scarce asked for who, and good men’s lives expire before the flowers in their caps, dying or ere they sicken.” This news article relates to my chosen quote because they are both about something big going wrong. In my quote, it’s the country of Scotland and in my article it’s the economy. I’m using these two paragraphs to compare Macbeth to the Business confidence. The title of the news article represents MacDuff and Malcolm trying to take down Macbeth in order for Scotland to be able to recover.
The first paragraph of the article is saying almost exactly what my chosen quote is saying. “Alas, poor country, almost afraid to know itself” Is the equivalent of the nosedive of the economy that’s the worst it’s been in 10 years. The “devastating terrorist attacks” are represented through Macbeth who is the cause of the failed country. The next highlighted part in the news article is demonstrating the loss of faith the people are feeling under Macbeths ruling. They too have lost their confidence. The second little headline I have is not represented in this quote but it’s here to show that Malcolm is the tech sector that will save Scotland and Macbeth is the economy which was bringing Scotland down.
But things will move “upwards” when Malcolm takes over. “Hang out our banners on the outward walls. The cry is still “They come!” Our castle’s strength will laugh a siege to scorn. Here let them lie till famine and the ague eat them up. Were they not forced with those that should be ours, we might have met them direful, beard to beard, and beat them backward home.” Once again this news article has a very obvious relation to my quote. The title is possibly expressing Macbeths thoughts on the attack on his castle.
With the sub-title all you have to do is replace Liberals with Malcolm and the Alliance with Macbeth. This first four paragraphs are equivalent to Malcolm plan to attack Macbeths castle to gain power over Scotland. They have been thinking about this for awhile and have figured out the most constructive way of doing this. Letting Macbeth dig himself into a hole before they tried to overthrow him was similar to the “Calgary Liberals now plotting and out-and-out, play-to-win assault on Calgary Southwest, the riding Preston Manning.” They didn’t just directly attack they had it somewhat planned out. Both the Liberals and Malcolm feel that they can win.
The final highlighted paragraph talks about some tools they are using to increase they ” re chances of winning. The Liberals are using Al Due rr, who is like Malcolm as well as Christine Silverberg, who is like MacDuff. “All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Glam is! All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Candor! All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, that shalt be king hereafter!” Calgary Herald Saturday, December 01, 2001 Calgarian worms way to fame Deborah Tetley The first time Brenda Fox tried to swallow a sword, she couldn’t choke it down. But that failed experiment opened up a whole other can of worms — so she took the bait and ate them.
That was in 1992, and since then, Fox has noshed hundreds of live night crawlers, all in the name of entertainment. “I clean them up and squeeze the dirt out first,” says the 40-year-old Calgarian. “And then I just open up and drop them in. They move around a little bit. But they ” re full of protein and an entomologist told me once if they ” re eaten alive, they ” re usually healthier.” On Monday, Fox will tuck into her stringy dish on the TV show To Tell The Truth (6: 30 p. m.
, ACCESS Television). Her penchant for the bizarre has earned Fox appearances on Ripley’s Believe It or Not, music videos and, most recently, an inquiry from The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. Fox, a born performer, also moonlights as a clown, a mime and as one of Santa’s elves. (c) Copyright 2001 Calgary Herald My last news article is in a sense the very basis of the play. My quote represents the beginning of it all. The title, “Calgarian worms way to fame” is like Macbeth slowly making his way to the top.
Although in the article the women didn’t do anything nearly as terrible as Macbeth did, the word “worm” in the title describes very well how Macbeth got where he did. The first highlighted paragraph represents Macbeths first murder- Duncan- to help himself become King. The first time Macbeth killed someone he had a really hard time dealing with it. But once he had started and knew how it felt it opened a whole to world to him. It was after that initial shock of having murdered someone that he realized he could do almost anything, as did Ms. Fox after trying to swallow a sword.
In the next highlighted section it say ” Her penchant for the bizarre has earned Fox appearances on Ripley’s Believe It or Not, music videos and an inquiry from the Tonight Show,” Macbeths fiasco on the other hand lead him to becoming King.