Manipulation of Women In the play A Doll House by Henrik Ibsen, symbolizes the nature of Helmer’s marriage. The play was less about the rights of women than about human rights; generally less about the particular social conditions responsible for the position of women (Diyanni 1053). In nineteenth-century Norway, the need for individual of both sexes is to treat each other with mutual respect (Diyanni 1053). In nineteenth-century males were dominant and authority.
A wife was not allowed to contact a third party (Wollstonecraft 11). Women could neither sue a third party for personal injuries or losses nor to sued by others unless her husband was included in the lawsuit (Wollstonecraft 12). Under common law- the ancient unwritten law of England on which American law is based a husband and wife were regarded as one person, and that one person was the husband (Alexander’s 21). As a result of this concept of “unity of the spouses,” women who married surrendered much of her legal identity.
In nineteenth-century Norway, society dictated male dominance by using many symbols; nevertheless, women became liars through self-awareness. Trovald Helmer rejects the heart of his marriage and embraces the conventions of society. Trovald treats Nora as if she were his trophy of daughter. He is demanding to women. He addresses his wife as some kind of bird and other funny names, not only that but he also addresses her as a “helpless thing” (Diyanni 1085). Torvalds is also a hypocrite, we see this when Dr.
Rank (his friend) wants to come in the house and he talks behind Ranks back, he did the same to Kristen after she left. His father like figure to Nora makes her acts the way he wants to, like a little girl that could not live without him. She acts like a little girl and gets everything she wants. The central and management of women real property, as well as the profits from any leases women held, went to her husband (Alexander 21). Nora Helmer fights reduction, not because she wants to be a man, but to express more of herself. In nineteenth-century Norway, women were not able to take responsibilities in the marriage.
Nora’s symbolizes as a man to pay the debt without her husband knowledge. As soon as Nora takes out the loan, she shows as an independent woman. Nora is taking responsibility that men usually have. Nora was not allowed to have any friends. Some modern-day restrictions still in force that it do not permit a wife to get credit with her husband’s consent or to buy or sell property on her own behalf (Alexander 21). Men also became the absolute owner of all personal property women brought into the marriage, and only he could recover her legal claims against others (Alexander 21).
Nora criminal acts and the lies it necessitated her final flight to freedom. When Nora forged her father’s signature, which gave Krogstad a tremendous power over her. Krogstad were in the position to lose his job for giving her a loan without the husband consent. Women are more likely to commit embezzlement, forgery, and fraud rather than more aggressive crimes such as auto theft, burglary, robbery, and assault (Alexander 177). She started her own business in the house to make some extra money without her husband consent. In many states it is obligated that a wife is not to support her husband if he is unable (Alexander).
In today’s society women are now free away from male dominance. Nora left her husband and children to start a new life. They could work outside the home; keep money they earned without permission of their husband (Alexander 22). A marriage is partnership.
In many states it is obligated that women must support her husband if he is in need. Men are subject to certain economic restrictions when they married. For example, a wife’s “dower right” entitled her to inherit a one-third interest in all her husband’s real estate for life. This right give away any of his property without his wife’s consent, even though he alone had control over the couple’s property and the sole obligation to support his wife and their children. Wives could now manage and control any property they acquired prior to the marriage..