Little Man happens to be the neatest out of all the Logans organizing all his school papers in different categories, and keeping them all in an old binder which he used since 4 th grade. Not like his other brothers and sisters he was neat, they would stick all their textbooks and papers in their bag and over each other not caring if they get crumpled or not. “Hey Stacey have you seen my paper keeper? I can’t find it.” (p 63 Taylor) He is the happiest in the Logan family because of the way he is treated from his parents, not like the others who have no respect to their parents and would have the courage to answer back in an objectionable way. Little Man’s confidence really affects his family’s personal life.
When it comes to the time that the white people want to take the Logan family’s land, but Little Man will confidently mollify his parents and make sure no one will take the land that really belongs to them. “We ain’t never gonna lose this land.” (p 144, Taylor) “We Logans don’t have much to do with white folks. You know why? Cause white folks mean trouble.” (p 158, Taylor) When he puts his hand up in the classroom and the teacher tries in all possible ways to ignore him he shouts out the answer he wanted to say confidently, his confidence is astonishing. He is really patient always wanting to settle things in a calm way, on the other hand his brothers always want to do things physically, and he always goes to the smart side and always tries avoiding trouble. “Hey, forget about throwing the mud ball on the bus, papa will kill us.” (p 98, Taylor) even though they act obnoxiously towards him, he doesn’t like trouble.
Little Man was created as a symbol of persecution, to show how the black people use to be treated by the opposite race. But Little Man’s actions showed us how courageous, patient, confident and intelligent black people could be, knowing that the odds are against them but always battling for what they really deserve.