In the book The Sign of the Beaver and the movie Keeping the Promise there are are similarities and difference. One of the similarities that exists is that Matt used sticks to find out how many weeks his father was gone. He used about ten sticks. One stick would have seven notches for each week.
Four sticks for a month. Another similarity is that Matt meets Ben. He is a fat man with a blue army coat, and he really likes tobacco. He sees Matt’s gun and told him it was worth a passel of beaver.
He stayed the night and the next morning the rifle was gone. When Matt chases after Ben for his gun, he trips and falls in a stream and gets knocked unconscious. Then two Indians, Sakis and Attean, saved him and brought him back to the cabin. They made a treaty, that is, Attean brings him food / offerings . Matt teaches Attean how to read white man signs. Another important similarity is that Attean gave Matt his dog.
Yes, the good for nothing dog. He gave it to him as a gift when he left. Another important likeness is that Attean got his vision or “Manitou.” It was the time that he had to stay alone in the forest for many days. He could not drink or eat any thing but a little bit of water before going to bed.
It came to him in a dream. Those are the simalarites between the book and the movie. The movie and the book also possess some differences. Here are some of the differences that I found. The first one is the baby is born in the beginning. In the book, Matt never met the baby.
In the movie, he saw him before he left. They started in different places. In the book, they started in Springfield, Mass. There were no bees. When Matt was getting honey, the bees chased him into the stream. In the movie he fell in the stream and almost drowned.
Matt got his rifle back from Ben, but it was broken. Matt and Attean tried to take it back from Ben. He chased them and then Ben got caught in his own trap. Matt helped him out of his trap. They did not have the bear feast.
In the book, they meet the bear and Attean killed it while Matt distracted him by throwing a rabbit at its head. Those are the differences between the book and the movie. I liked the movie more than the book because it was not very long. It was a lot less boring than the book and we had no study guides or plot lines. This is why I liked the movie more than the book.