General Information Activity o The agricultural and structural relevance of building a society right on the Caribbean Sea. Culture o The Mayan Place o Tulum is located about 129 km from Mexico’s most recognized city, Cancun. Time o Tulum’s existence dates back to about 1200 to 1521 A. D. Key Aspects Climate o Since Tulum is located in the Southern Hemisphere it’s climate is very hot to mild all year round; many days of sunshine in the summer, and a mild rainy season in the winter.
Resources o Tulum in its prime was a city with great resources. With it’s location near the ocean the Mayan people had access to a very fertile landscape, and sea trading routes. However, the sea was not the only advantage for the Mayans. The Mayan people also acquired copper rattles and rings from the Mexican highlands; flint and ceramics from all over the Yu cat ” an; jade and obsidian from Guatemala (Loco gringo. com).
Latitude o 23-1/3 degrees north Physiography o A relatively flat terrain with plenty of wildlife, and the plush beauty and slender of the Caribbean sea. Evidence Civil Authority o The ancient Mayans believed in a number of different gods, ranging from the ruler of all gods, in Itza mn, to Chat the god of rain, and Ah Mun the god of agriculture (Tulum. com). The Mayan culture was ruled with a strong religious fist, and had a social class with the hierarchy at the top consisting of priests, astronomers, philosophers, and mathematicians. At the bottom of the latter were the common folk, which were the foundation of the great Mayan culture. They were the labors, hunters, cultivators, and provided sacrificial significance.
Division of Labor o As is stated above, your role in the construction and maintenance of Tulum was determined by your social class. Women took on a conventional role of childcare and agriculture. While men took on the role of helping one another with the construction aspects of the city. While the hierarchy filled the role of spiritual renewal and power.
Artistry o Architecture, carvings, and sculptures were a big part of the Mayan culture. The entire city was surrounded with a large stone wall that measured 18 feet thick, and up to 15 feet tall, with a complex tunnel system within the great stone wall. Once inside the wall you are directed to the large square in the middle of the town which houses El Castillo the largest building in Tulum. This building was probably used for sacrificial worship, religious purposes, and astronomical study. The Mayan people also mastered the arts of weaving, pottery, painting and sculpting.
Many of the respected buildings in Tulum had some sort of intricate carvings to represent events, respect, or expression of the sculpture. Finally, the Mayan people were big on ceremonial dances, which consisted of brightly colored men doing amazing twirl dances while hanging upside-down on a large flagpole (Tulum. com). I was lucky enough last year to visit Tulum last summer, and witness a recreation of this amazing dance still preformed today. Spirituality o The Mayan people were a very spiritual people.
The Mayan people had many different gods in which to worship and heavy belief in the cosmos. They believed the Earth was at the center of the universe and the four quarters of space, North, South East, and West. The Mayan people also believed in a three level world, Heaven, Earth, and the underworld. They believed that the flesh was only a mask for their spirits; once the mask is lost the spirit of that individual was then freed. Also in Mayan culture it was acceptable for ritual suicide, with the hope that God Yum Cim is would save your soul, and lead you to heaven. Finally, the sophisticated Mayan culture also invented their own calendar based on the cosmos, which served as the basis for a time structure in Mayan culture, and also stated dates of the coming of the gods and sacrifice.
Conclusion o I think it is easy to see that the Mayan culture was more than just a society that operated under standard practices. The Mayan culture is one of great accomplishment, power, and intellect. The people of Tulum were extremely blessed. They had the know-how to construct and command a thriving city on the coast of the Caribbean Sea.
The Mayan people also lead lives filled with extravagant song, dance, sculptures, and believed in a higher power then themselves. They had a great interest in space and its existence, and formed hypothesis of the cosmos that still hold true today. Tulum was a city destine for success, with its easy accessibility to the ocean; great water and land trading routs could be formed. The Mayan people built extravagant temples and protective barriers that still stand today, and also developed a sophisticated calendar which commanded these impressive people.
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