In the novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s nest by Ken Kelsey, Randolph Patrick McMurphy seems to be an heroic character even if he is characterized by the words, big, loud, sexual, dirty, and confident. As a protagonist, Randle McMurphy, a big, redheaded gambler, a con man, and a backroom boxer, becomes a hero after all the great events he makes and the events happened by him. He also appears to be a Christ figure partly in the fishing trip. He is the dominant force challenging the establishment and the ultimate savior of the victimized patients. ONE of the facts that prove that Randle Patrick McMurphy is a heroic character is that he also helps the patients encourage and get out of the hospital. SECOND thing that proves that Randle Patrick McMurphy has a characteristic of a hero is that he makes Nurse Ratchet un powerful by sacrificing himself at the end of the novel by ripping her clothes off and tring to kill her.
So, he gets lobotomy operation and becomes a chronic. But Broaden thinks he is poor and that thinks the fact that Randle Patrick McMurphy became a chronic from a sane man would ruin his image of rebelliousness and that patients could do what they want. He makes patients laugh and makes the ward playful. LAST important factor that Randle Patrick McMurphy is a hero in this novel is that Randle Patrick McMurphy makes the patients be confident of themselves and can get the courage to walk out of the hospital, not being rabbits by Harding’s expression or chickens by Randle Patrick McMurphy’s word. This fact is shown in the gas station in the way to the fishing trip with Doctor Spivey.