The simile helps the reader think of other mealy and crisp items, most of them won’t be very pleasant. Once again, Seamus Heaney relies on the idea that we ourselves will have images of things, and that we will use them and relate… sed” and “slung” and we can see vividly the kind of person that Dan is. He is not, at first impression, a nice man, because the words imply heartless and rough and uncaring behaviour towards the kittens. The words such as “pitched” are images of Dan’s cruelty to the animals, because it implies that he throws them rather that places them with care into the bucket. From him we get a good idea of life on the farm, because he plays a major part in Heaney’s memories.
The contrast between the different believes is even more emphasized when the poet gives out examples of ‘kittens drown’ and ‘pups are prodded to drown’. This emphasised the main idea of the poem because the image of kittens, pups towards the urban people is quite domestic. They refer them as pet. However, to the farmers, ‘kittens, pups, rats, rabbits, crows’ they are all regarded in the same catalogue: pest.
All the above facts show the differen note that the author sees the exact opposite of what Dan is saying. Dan suggests that the kittens have been put out of their misery, but the author sees them as miserable now, comparing them to wet gloves. The idea that the kittens are drowned, and are therefore wet, shows throughout the verse. A simile is used comparing them to wet gloves, and the words ‘glossy’ and ‘bobbed’ create a watery, wet effect. The next stanza carries on from where the last one left, and is largely about death and the child’s reaction to it; “Suddenly frightened, for days I sadly hung, Round the yard, watching the three sogged remains Turn mealy and crisp as old summer dung” The wet effect again comes into play, with the word ‘sogged’ being used. More imagery is used in the form of a simile; ‘Turn mealy and crisp as old summer dung’ ce between rural and urban sentiments..