In modern society, children have access to many different forms of learning stimuli. Some of which are positive, while others are negative. [INCOMPLETE SENTENCE] Media can be a very influential element in children’s lives. Children’s behavioral patterns are greatly affected by imitation, desensitization and an increase in violent feelings.
On average children spend 1, 023 hours per year watching television (PTC). As a result children are increasingly susceptible to acts of violence portrayed in various forms of media. Most research is focused on whether viewing violence in the media makes children and adolescents more violent. The most obvious way in which viewing violence contributes to violent behavior is through imitation or social learning.
Learning often occurs through imitation and most parents know that children imitate almost everything beginning at an early age. We are all familiar with a young one or even family member who acts out a seen [SCENE] from a movie or imitates a famous personality. We often remember and cherish these moments. Now take for example 16-year-old William and 14-year-old Joshua Buckner of Newport, Tennessee who told police they were acting out “Grand Theft Auto”, [IN THIS CASE, THE COMMA GOES BEFORE THE END QUOTES] a “shoot-em-up” video game, on the night of June 25 when they took shotguns to Interstate 40 and opened fire on vehicles. Another example is a gang of teenagers in California, who were charged with plotting carjackings and murder, say their actions were inspired by playing “Grand Theft Auto”, morning, noon, and night. Violence is found in almost all aspects of media.
This makes it difficult to link a specific media programs to a specific harmful event, even though some similarities between media scenarios seem too close to consider it coincidence. Copying what is seen in the media is only one means by which viewing violence contributes to aggressive behavior in youths. Another factor is desensitization. As defined in the dictionary, desensitization is to extinguish an emotional response (as of fear, anxiety, or guilt) to stimuli that formerly induced it.
may cause aggressive and antisocial behavior, desensitize viewers to future violence and increase perceptions that they are living “in a mean and dangerous world” (PTC). Take for example a persons fear [POSSESSIVE: PERSON’S FEAR] for [OF] spiders. Most of us cringe at the site [SIGHT] of them and will go at great lengths to avoid them. If that same individual spends a lot of time around spiders he or she learns not to fear them, more or less learning to control his or her fear for spiders. This can also be true in media violence in youths. Children are being exposed to violence at much earlier stages in life and are becoming emotionally detached from it.
By age 18, a U. S. youth will have seen 16, 000 simulated murders and 200, 000 acts of violence (PTC). A third common effect of media violence is an increase in violent feelings.
Most individuals can relate to the scenario. [AVOID ASSUMPTIONS] There are two movies playing at the theatre. One is a love story and the other is a violent fighting movie. If the people of the love story were interviewed after viewing the movie there feelings would be more relaxed and light hearted. In interviewing the people of the fighting movie their violent feelings would show an increase. What are the consequences of this increased hostility after viewing violence? Often, it interferes with the ability to interact in interpersonal settings.
Take for example a young boy who has spent the past hour playing a violent video game like “Mortal Combat.” His violent feelings are high and he may not be able to react to certain situations the way he might normally. Children younger than eight cannot uniformly discriminate between real life and fantasy entertainment (PTC). They quickly learn that violence is an acceptable solution to resolving even complex problems, particularly if the aggressor is the hero (PTC). There is no doubt, [COMMA ERROR] that violence programming has negative effects on children and must not be ignored. In talking with children, 44% of kids say they watch something different when they ” re alone than with their parents (PTC). If we allow media violence to continue, we are allowing it to occur in society as a whole.
Children have the right to lead healthy and fulfilling lives, without the brainwashing of negative media. By eliminating the violence they see everyday, we will make them more aware of the present violence that is in world around them today. There are several organizations which have taken steps to enforce laws governing media violence, as well as pending lawsuits against industries manufacturing violent programming. These organizations can only do so much though.
Please, for the sake of children everywhere, take the time to supervise their programs!