E-mail me @ for the bibliography or if u have any questions (make sure u read this whole thing over before u hand it in) THIS IS A GRADE 11 PROJECT (web has been popular since the 1960’s and is always getting more and more popular the continuing growth for higher ratings and more money makes people forget about the consequences of the shows they feature. Some of the most popular shows are not scripted and made in a studio. They are of real people and doing pranks and doing stunts to and around other people. Shows like this do have ratings and warnings at the beginning of the show but they don’t really stop any one from watching unless it’s a small child watching television with there parents.
But some television shows have violent images in them and still have a low rating like cartoons have bloody gun filled images and still have a rating of PG or less. Because of these types of shows that seem to have low ratings for the content that they are showing I thought I should research about that (“The media violence myth ” Rhodes, Richard>. After a little searching I came upon a few good stories and sites that said many studies by or for the government are very poorly made and possible fraudulent in some cases. After a few E-mails I think I found the truth. (web television was first introduced to North American homes around the 1950’s there was only a select few families that could afford a television set. In only one decade the amount of people skyrocketed and only 10 percent of people DIDN’T own a television and now less than 1 percent DON’T own one in fact more people in North America own televisions than telephones.
With this, very quickly growing popularity of television is going to be miss used just for ratings and financial gain without recognizing the damage that could be done on the vulnerable minds of young children. We would think that violent images would be hidden by the creators of children’s television shows but Saturday morning cartoons are more violent than prime time. (web These images have been proven in many legitimate studies to be very hazardous to younger children’s minds especially those under the age of eight years old because most eight year olds can’t tell the difference between fantasy and reality. Some children can be traumatized for life by these images they can also develop aggressive, anti-social behavior. They will also see themselves as victims or may fear being a victim. They can also became desensitized which will make them less sensitive toward violence.
After seeing many violent images we begin to like them and want to continue watching them even if its on television or real life. (web we watch violent television some of us get the feeling for real violence and that’s why they came out with shows like Jackass, Cky and other skits on other shows that pull pranks on sometimes random people and themselves. These types of shows do not support people doing dangerous stunts but they do accept videos sent to them of people doing stunts and they show these on their show. Of course with an option like that to have there fifteen minutes of fame many people will put them selves in danger just to be on television.
These stunts that people pull on themselves and others often go wrong a young teen got serious burns after setting his hand on fire and a 21 year old broke her back that could have ruined her modeling career with serious injuries like this we would think that the rating system would change or the shows content would be limited in some way. Personally I and many of my friends have done stunts much like those portrayed on jackass and I have never seen the show and the people making personal videos admitted it wasn’t Jackass’s fault they got hurt it was just a very stupid idea, they also said they probably wouldn’t have tried to do the stunt if they never would have seen Jackass. (web ratings for Jackass are probably appropriate but what could keep people from watching the show without a parent in the room or a V-chip there isn’t any way of stopping it and most kids know how to program a V-chip before there parents do so there really isn’t any way of stopping it, and with over fifty percent of the kids in the USA with a television in there bedroom it makes it even harder to control and with the same amount of kids like to watch television alone or with a friend but NEVER with a parent. (web shows seem good for children just because the rating is G but some people think that some of these shows are too violent for eight year olds because it doesn’t show the importance of being responsible for your actions. Most super heroes just go in and beat everyone up, psychologists say that if an eight year old’s hero is one of these characters it could dramatically change the way he grows up. He could have violent behavior, do worse in school but there are ways of countering these types of behavior like a parent could ask there children questions like, What is a hero? And then describe what a hero is to them as a person who is good hearted, does the right thing someone who can talk things out without using force.
(web With responsible parenting like that most psychologists believe that homicide rates and other serious crimes would greatly diminish. I am not a psychologist but I have grown up with a lot of television and I don’t believe what the psychologists above think. I am probably one of the least violent people I know, I’ve never been in a fight never had any real enemies and I used to watch a considerable amount of television when I was much younger. The only thing that makes a lot of sense is doing worse in school if someone watches a lot of television then they wont be able to spend time doing homework because I know that its almost impossible to do homework in front of the television. Violence in television hasn’t been ignored though. Violence has been a topic that has made it’s way through the Canadian Rhodes Richard Legislature and media regulation industries.
These organizations are dedicated to the regulation of media violence and every year there seems to be more and more interest in the issue. I don’t believe television makes people violent or want to view violence most of what I wrote was what I read and learnt from web pages and news articles these do show that what I believe is wrong but there are some articles that say violence isn’t as bad as we think it is. Richard Rhodes wrote an article of Rolling Stone magazine two years ago about media violence. He called it “The Media Violence Myth.” Rhodes found that serious actions did not come from mimicking violence on television or video games but from being in a socially violent surrounding. Mr.
Rhodes also believed that researchers where making up some of the proof that they had. Rhode says “I was surprised, however to find poorly conceived scientifically inadequate, biases and sloppy if not actually fraudulent research.” Many bands are considered a threat toward the well-being of young children because of the harsh language, sex appeal and what the music portrays. Many bands like heavy industrial bands like KMFDM and Rammstein (both German) and Marilyn Manson. They are all very because of the swears. There is also bands like TLC, Lauryn Hill; adult contemporary performers like Shania Twain and Andrea Bocelli; or shiny, happy, teeny-bop artists like Britney Spears, ‘N Sync and B Witched are also bad for children to watch because they have a lot of songs directed toward sex. But I couldn’t forget about Eminem probably the most artist ever.
The song ”97 Bonnie & Clyde” tells the story: Shady is about to dump the body of the girl’s mother in the lake. Where’s mommy? She’s taking a nap in the trunk, he tells his daughter while someone sings the chorus from Grover Washington’s ”Just the Two of Us” in the background.” Most of Eminem’s songs are just as bad or worse than this one. But there are good regulations for music now. You can’t even buy a CD till your as old as the warning says on the CD.
But with the internet anyone can get song. In conclusion… I really don’t know what to put. I believe that violence comes from everything around us.
Just being around others can make people violent. Television does show a lot of violence to many people and I think the average person can handle seeing these images, but eight year old’s can’t. If an eight year olds brain is still developing there should be a lot more restrictions just so many of these kids don’t grow up with mental disabilities or. I still don’t believe that television makes us violent because in the 14 th and 15 th centuries violence was higher in some places even in peace times.