Mescaline comes from the Mexican peyote cactus, which is small, spore less cactus that grows in the deserts of Mexico and the American Southwest. Whenever the crown is sliced and dried, it forms a hard brownish disc that’s known as a button. The buttons are chewed for its hallucegenic properties. The Indians first chewed them in the sixteenth century for religious and spiritual purposes, but when Spaniards reached the New World they outlawed peyotism which they thought had something to do with witchcraft or cannibalism. But peyote was still being used, like in Mexico during the Civil War. It spread ed north on a far scale.
Even though eleven states wanted to ban religious use of peyote, federal courts affirmed the right to sacramental use by Native Americans. Then in 1990 they affirmed the right of ritual peyote use. Peyote users feel that the drug improves their ability to experience the truth, but when the effects wear off by time it doesn’t seem as mind-boggling. Peyote is believed to give special powers of insight and healing, plus it is believed to make you see the future.
Mescaline is one of fifty psychoactive ingredients in peyote. It was first isolated from peyote in 1896 and was named after Mescal ero Apaches. It was used as a widely experimental treatment for disorders such as alcoholism or psychosis. Mescaline makes your food temperature rise, increases your heart rate and dilates your pupils. Mescaline also effects your concentration too, and you don’t fully recover until about twelve hours. Neither mescaline nor peyote is addicting.
It does produce a tolerance though. As both peyote and mescaline have grown users have always faces two dangers which are sudden panic attacks and feelings of intense fear or losing control of your self. It was one of the earliest psychedelic drugs to become popular in the twentieth century. The effect’s are very similar to LSD, but has less change in thoughts and mood. It’s also said to leave ones self intact. Like LSD it’s supposed to give colorful intense visual effects and complicates geometrical nature, but when mind disassociates with reality the only way to treat sometimes is by talking.
That is similar to what happens people have bad trips with LSD. The only way to make one feel better is a simple talking procedure. Even though bad trips and those are rare, mescaline will produce long term reactions like LSD. Things like flashbacks or re-experiencing your experience. Mescaline is usually synthesized and administered in powder, tablets, capsule, or a liquid form.
A capsule of mescaline would resemble something to give a horse. It can appear in needle bout crystals with a terrible taste. Most mescaline’s made in street tabs have contained LSD, or other compounds like PCP, and amphetamines. So the smart thing to do would to be to avoid this drug, because in the real world everyone is without street mescaline..