Mother Make People Thing

This was a very large section of reading to write only a one to two page response on. I made a bunch of connections with her in her writing. I found when she talked about the little girl asking her mother for her recipe, it is the same way my siblings and I ask our mother how she makes her sweet tea that she has been making from scratch since a little girl. She first made it when her mother had challenged her and her sister to see who can make a better tea. My mother actually lost because her mother loved sweets, and my mothers sister poured about a pound of sugar in hers. But ever since then my mother has been making it.

I have actually brought some of it with me to college because it is the greatest thing ever. Many people have asked her to market it her tea with her, but she won’t give out her recipe. She has taught my sister and I how to make it, but its never the same. Another thing that I connected with was the part about how the women are the ones who cook.

Because in my family my father works all day and my mother doesn’t work at all. It is how I’ve learned to grow up. I hope that when I am older I will be able to make enough money so my wife won’t have to work. I found that in this reading, I disagreed with some of it, and agreed with some. It probably was about half and half. In my life I’ve seen many of these situations.

I did not like how she was talking about so much subliminal messaging. I mean I believe that there is, but it seemed like she was saying that’s all commercials are. I mean I think people try to make commercials humorous so people actually pay attention to them. Because if people just didn’t pay any attention to them, then they wouldn’t even get there subliminal messages to the viewers. I don’t agree with the ad for the Maybelline eyeliner. She talks about how they make the catch phrase “soft felt tip gives you absolute control of your line” seem like they are saying that with this product you can take control of your life.

I just don’t believe they would do that, because to me I did not pick that up. Only someone like her, someone that is against it all, someone that picks out all those little things that people just look over. I have a friend from home that is like that. He picks apart every movie, every song, every thing on television, and finds a way to make it seem like the entire world is working together to get back at him. I see the same ways her in Bor do. I would love to have my friend read this, because he would agree with every single thing she says.

I did find that I agreed with her saying how now a days girls really only care about being skinny. They don’t care if there unhealthy, but as long as they look attractive to them there fine. My sister went through the same phase when she was a freshman in high school. Same thing happened with the sophomore girls in my high school when I was a senior. None of them ate, they were all as skinny as u could ever get. They were all unhealthy.

I just wonder how it went from in the 1800’s from having big plump healthy looking girls being the attractive ones, to nowadays the ones that look like there heroin addicts there so skinny. Its just like that Virginia Slims ad she wrote about. But most girls will never reach that fork in the road.