Mrs Bentley Philip Stephen Named

As For Me and My House is a novel based on two characters that are very different from one another. They are a married couple named Philip and Mrs. Bentley. We do not know Mrs. Bentley’s first name though.

This novel takes place during the 1930’s and this is the time where things weren’t going the greatest. The setting all takes place within 15 months is a small Saskatchewan town. Philip is a minister preaching in the small town of Horizon. Philip really didn’t like doing this. His life long dream was to become an artist just like his father, but as you can see, that didn’t happen.

Philip likes to keep to himself and he is a very quiet man. Within Philip’s and Mrs. Bentley’s relationship, things are not going so well. There is love lacking in the marriage. They show no compassion between one another. Later on in the novel, a boy named Stephen came to live with them.

Ever since he came to live with them, Philip was showing more love towards Stephen than he was to Mrs. Bentley. Philip seems to be touching Stephen more and was paying more attention to him more. Some people may take this the wrong way and think it was wrong. Also, a gentleman named Paul was fancying Mrs. Bentley and she seemed to never mind that at all.

There was some chemistry going on between those two. In the end of the book, The Bentley adopted a baby, whose mother has passed away while giving birth to him. In the end, they hope that the baby will eventually save their marriage.