My Sophomore Year Marketing Plan

This year, my Soph more year was great. The most memorable positive accomplishment was definitely making it to States and going to Orlando with DECA. It was a great experience. I worked very hard in studying for the Travel and Tourism test, and I made it that far. It took hard work and dedication to study, but it all paid off because I got 3 rd place in Districts, and was qualified to go to States. The important lesson I learned as a result of a failure is to study for test a little better.

I had a hard time studying when it came to taking a test for Biology or Geometry. I was too lazy and didn’t put enough dedication to studying for test, and now that the year is over, I regret it a lot. The bad testing grades lowered both my 9 weeks grade and GPA. That is a lesson I learned this year, and will improve on next year. 1. Academics Drivers Ed- This year in Drivers Ed I’ve accomplished a lot.

I’ve accomplished learning how to drive and park a car. My best accomplishment has been the parallel parking test. Mr. Ynez and Coach Rivas demonstrated to us first how to park parallel. Then, the students in my class, including me, practiced for a week using the cars to practice parallel parking so we could do good on the test.

What contributed to my success is that I put all my attention and focus when practicing in the range. I was very careful and payed close attention so I wouldn’t knock down a cone. When the test day came, I did the parallel parking exercise great and I scored an A+ on it. Geometry- This year in Mrs. Mensinger’s class I learned a lot of things about math that I didn’t know before.

She is a great teacher that knows how to teach her students so they learn and do good in her class. My best accomplishment in her class was the quizzes we took every Wednesday. When we first started Mrs. Mensinger’s class in the beginning of the year, she introduced to us her special “Wednesday Quiz.” The quiz consisted of memorizing the 30 perfect squares. We were all scared about the quiz and failed it the first couple of times.

When I get the hang of the perfect squares, I managed to study and now when I take the quiz every Wednesday I get a perfect score. What contributed to my success, is a lot of studying and working hard to memorize the perfect squares for the quiz. At the beginning it was hard, but now that I have the hang of it’s a piece of cake. English- Ms. Rodriguez is the nicest thing you ” ll ever have as a teacher. She worked very hard with us getting us prepared for the FCAT.

Thanks to her I got a 5. 5 in the essay writing and passed the Reading section of the FCAT. My greatest accomplishment in her class was when it came to writing poems. It’s funny because I didn’t know I was a good poem writer till I got to her class and actually started writing them.

The one poem that was the best and my favorite was a poem titled “When you thought I wasn’t looking.” I wrote that poem about my grandma. I wrote all the things that she’s done for me and that she doesn’t realize I was looking at her and I know she did those things like when my parents got divorced. Another great accomplishment in her class was when we did essay writing. She taught us all the components in writing a good essay. What contributed to my success is that I love writing and im a very good writer. Ms.

Rodriguez made me a better writer by suggesting the little details I was missing when writing a essay or poem. Marketing- My best accomplishment in Marketing this year was the . Honestly, when this project was introduce to us I thought it was going to be boring and hard. It turned out to be that I had a very good time doing the marketing plan.

I enjoyed writing up the marketing plan because I did it on something I like, Sports, and it gave me an idea on the different things businesses have to do before opening there business. I learned about current markets and strategies, competition, how to analyze the business environment, target market, developing a positioning statement, marketing mix, and all the components needed to write a marketing plan. What contributed to my success was the book. I understood the steps listed in the book on how to write up a marketing plan and it helped a lot when creating the final product of the marketing plan. Biology- Wow… what a hard year for me in Biology.

The class was a big challenge for me because we had a great teacher that new a lot about biology and was hard on us to learn the criteria. I did appreciate her way of teaching though, because I learned a lot in her class. Although her class was a big challenge for me and I struggled with it some what, I do have accomplishments. My biggest accomplishment in Biology was the “Tropical Fair Childs Challenge.” It was a series of projects assigned to us about the environment and plants. We had to do a Research paper, Edible garden, Outreach, Environmental Art, Brochure, and a Testimonial.

We also recycled and worked with the community to make our environment a better place. This project made me appreciate and learn more about our environment. What contributed my success is the long hours and dedication I put to this project. I was really interested and focused on what I was doing. 2. Extracurricular This year I wasn’t in any extracurricular activity in school except DECA.

I didn’t have much time to join a club or sport because my studies, projects, work, and on top of that the FCAT kept me pretty busy. I plan to be involved in more extracurricular activities next year. My most memorable extracurricular activity was being a member of DECA. DECA has brought so much good experiences into my life that I’ve enjoyed a lot this year. I’ve met new friends by being a member of DECA and have gotten very close to some of them almost like a family. The most memorable activity in DECA was States.

Before making it to states, I worked very hard and spent most of my free time studying for the Travel and Tourism test with my partner Stephanie. When the day came of taking the test, both of us were very nervous. Our nervous moments didn’t keep us back from doing good because we were qualified for districts ranking 3 rd place. In districts, we did a role play which we also did good in. Waiting in our seats in the Districts award ceremony, Stephanie and me were both very nervous.

When the part came to announce the teams that made it to States under our category (Travel and Tourism), my team was one of the names announced as a State qualifier. We stayed with our same 3 rd place ranking going in to States. Making it States meant a lot to me because it was going out of town (Orlando) with my DECA family. I met new friends in Orlando and had a very good time with my friends. We Danced, went inside the pool, and when testing and role play came along we all took it seriously. Me and Stephanie tried our best even though we didn’t make it to Nationals.

Just the experience of making it that far was a satisfaction of accomplishment to both me and Stephanie. Not only will I be in more extracurricular activities next year, but I will also be more involved with DECA and make it all the way to Nationals. 3. Personal Growth and Development This year I’ve had lots of Growth and Development. When I first started DECA this year, Ms. Redson introduced us with a goal setting project.

My goal was to be more involved in DECA. Not only did I accomplish my goal, but I also think that’s my strongest growth and development this year. Last year in DECA I wasn’t much involved with the chapter meetings, fashion shows, activities, and I didn’t even work on competitions. I wasn’t interested in staying after school and put time for DECA.

This year all that changed. I went to more chapter meetings, I was involved in the stage committee (curtains) and security team in the fashion shows, I went to the DECA banquet, and my greatest accomplishment- making it to States. Living through the growth and development I had this year in DECA was a great experience. I also learned a lot about myself through this process. I learned that im a very responsible, hard working, and motivated person. I get the job done when im asked to.

This Development has taught me a good lesson about myself and life. I appreciate all the help my friends in DECA and Ms. Redson gave me to Grow and Develop this year. III. Areas To Improve 1. Academics Beside my Accomplishment and successful moments, I’ve had areas to improve on this year.

My first area that needed improvement on is the midterm for geometry. Mrs. Mensinger weeks before midterms, made sure that she reviewed with us all the criteria needed to do good on her midterm. Some of that information I took it in and it processed well, but most of the information I didn’t even bother worrying about. I didn’t care about passing her midterm and studying all the review and notes she gave us. I didn’t give any importance to her midterm because I thought I didn’t need the good grade since I was passing her class with a “B.” When midterms came, I was lost taking her test.

I didn’t put any effort to her midterm and I rushed right through it. When she had the results, she had told me I failed the midterm. I regret failing her midterm a lot. It hurt my GPA a lot and my final geometry grade for the year. Now that were almost going to take her final, Im going to work hard and study so I could get a good grade on her Final exam. Another area that I needed improvement on is when it came to do homework for Biology.

Ms. Contr ease gave us a Biology packet every week to do for homework. The packet covered all the material we needed to learn for the chapter we were on. Instead of doing the homework myself, I copied from someone in lunch so I wouldn’t get an “F.” Copying hurt my grade because when it came to testing on the chapter, I wouldn’t know the information so I would fail. Once I started to realize that I was getting so much “F’s” on the test and quiz, I started doing the homework on my own. Doing the homework helped me a lot because I understood the chapter more since I answered every question on my own.

I went from getting an “F” on the test, to now getting “B’s.” Something I learned from this experience, is to never copy homework from someone else. The last area I needed improvement on is reading more books. This year we were packed with lots of information on FCAT. In our English classes we read a lot of articles and books to get us well prepared for the FCAT. Most of the time, when reading assignments were assigned to me I didn’t do them. I don’t like reading and I admit it but I do regret not reading this year because it reflected a lot in my FCAT scores.

When the FCAT results came this week I was happy I passed but somewhat upset on the scores I got. I got a 307 in the reading test of the FCAT. A reading score of 307 is low, a score that needs improvement on. This summer and next year going into my Junior year one of my goals will be to read more books. Reading is very important for both college and the SAT’s test. My reading will improve with hard work and practice and I know I could do it.

2. Extracurricular Although I was in DECA this year and it was a great experience, I do regret not joining any other club or sport. Being involved in school means a lot to me because it’s a better experience you get to share with your friends in your high school years. I think that if I would ” ve joined more clubs this year it would ” ve added more excitement to my school year. Next year I plan not only to be a member of DECA again but also be involved in more clubs and extracurricular activities. I plan on joining the following clubs: Class of 2005, Debate, F BLA, Interact and Forensics.

Im also going to be a member of DECA. Next year with DECA I defiantly want to be more involved and make it to Nationals. If things go well for me in DECA next year, Im planning to run for treasurer. DECA means a lot to me and I want to make the best of out of DECA for me next year in my junior year. All these good moments I didn’t get to participate in this year will be sure experienced next year. The Extracurricular activities and clubs I plan to join next year will give me the opportunity to experience something different and have fun with it.

3. Personal Growth and Development One aspect that I learned about myself because of a mistake is to be more involved and spend more time with my family. This year I haven’t really spent much time with my family because I was either busy with school or having fun with my friends. I would put my friends and school before all my family and not even have time for a family dinner or party. I in the weekends I would always be with my friends either at the mall or the movies. It was a big mistake I made because now that I spend more time with my family I realize their real fun and loving.

My family means more to me now because I’ve shared incredible and unforgettable moments with them. Another aspect that I learned about myself due to a failure is that im good in biology. This year in Biology I had a hard time studying for the test she would give us every week. I would get mostly “F’s” on the test because I didn’t put much time into studying. I was upset and tired of getting “F’s” on her test so I made a commitment to study. Once I got the chance to sit down and study for her test, I realized I was good in Biology.

I understood the process of DNA very good and how reproduction occurred. The fact that I focused and studied Biology made me realize that although I got mostly “F’s” on the test, Im still a good student when it comes to Biology. IV. ACTION PLANS 1.

Goals for 03-04 a. Maintain a 3. 6 GPA. b. Join more clubs and be more involved in DECA. c.

Be more patient with my brother and sister. 2. Benefits of achieving these goals The benefit of achieving my first goal of maintaining a 3. 6 GPA is that it will give me a better opportunity to get into UM (University of Miami).

My dream has always been to be able to go to UM when I graduate from high school. It’s a great University that will give me great education and success. Maintaining a GPA of 3. 6 will also give me a higher rank in my class and will give me the chance to be in NHS.

The benefit of achieving my 2 nd goal of joining a club and being more involved in DECA is that it will be a great and fun experience that will add more excitement to my high school years. It also looks good in your records that your in all these clubs when college looks at you. Being in a club shows that you ” re a responsible and hard working person. The benefit of also being in clubs and extracurricular activities is that you get to travel and meet new friends. Overall it’s a great experience. The benefit of achieving my 3 rd goal of being more patient with my brother and sister is that I will be able to communicate and have a better relationship with them.

My brother and sister sometimes get me bad because they bother me a lot. I know that I over react sometimes when they get me mad and that I shouldn’t scream at them because their my family. This summer I want to spend more time with them so we could gain more communication and a better relationship. When they get me mad, I’ll try to talk to them in a calm way instead of screaming at them. Talking to them in a softer voice and being more patient will make them understand what gets me mad and they will improve their behavior. 3.

Steps to take -Read 3 books or more during the summer. Also try to improve my writing skills by writing essays at least 1 time every 2 weeks. Take lessons on Algebra 2. – Prepare for DECA competitions. Think about what project I will do that will give me the opportunity to go to States and Nationals. Also decide what clubs I will join in the 03-04 school year (Junior year).

– Spend more time with my brother and sister. Do things with them like taking them to the movies or park, and playing video games with them. Also help them with any projects or assignments they have over the summer. 4. Target dates 1 st goal- July 24, 2003. 2 nd goal- August 10, 2003.

3 rd goal- August 25, 2003.