My Worst Experience Senior Condition Day

During my high school career, I had some great experiences. Howevever, some of them were quite the contrary. It is times like this that allow me to appreciate the finer things in life. My experience happened in a warm day in May.

I had just bought a blue dress for my Senior Class Banquet, which was on this day. My head was aching a little, but I took an as prin and didn’t give it much thought. I decided to take a little nap so I could be well rested for this special occassion. I woke up at about 3 o’clock that afternoon. The little headache that I had before I went to sleep had progressed to an excruciating migraine.

It was like I was paralyzed to the bed. I couldn’t lift my head from the pillow. I was to be the presenter at the Senior Banquet, but there was no way I could make it in my condition. An hour before the ceremony was to begin, my best friend called me amd I told him of my condition. He was sympathetic and graciously agreed to accept my awards in my honor. Being the great friend he is, he also agreed to pick up my cue cards and do the necessary presenting for me.

Though this experience was one of the worst for me, I don’t dwell on it. It has ultimately allowed me to appreciate all of the small things I take for granted. I also tell others no to think about the past but the future, for we know what has yet to come.