Nadia Wheatly claimed that she “tried to put both sides of the case and not to be dogmatic.” She was successful at fulfilling what she set out to do. This is shown through her novel where she attempts to convey both sides of the augment in a reasonable way. An example of this is shown in the novel when the main character named column, the narrator, tells his point of view of his story. This is also shown when column meets a ‘greenie’ named Jan and she shows him what the greenies really think.
In the novel column is told write out (by his lawyer) everything that happened. In columns statement he writes down his thoughts and from columns point of view, he doesn’t completely agree with the ‘greenies’ or the ‘towns’s ide. H e writes down what he completely feels inside himself and he doesn’t discriminate the other side because he knows that the forest is special to him because his ancestors built the ‘palace’ therefore no sides are taken by column (Nadia wheatly). However his parents and the locals believe that the greenies are trying to stop them from getting jobs. At the beginning of the novel column meets a greenie named ‘Jan’, she explains hat that the greenies don’t mean to cause unemployment in the town, but they think that the forest is much to essential to be destroyed. When the ‘palace’ is found that makes matters an even more important issue to argue about.
Once again the ‘greenies’ do not discriminate the other side and are willing to help to help the town to get a job other than logging. Therefore Nadia Wheatly was successful in not being dogmatic because she did not take the ‘greenies’s ide or ‘columns’s ide. However she did put in their opinions, which gives the reader a side to choose from.