Native American People Purpose Women

Equality between people with different backgrounds is an important issue that has been analyzed by people from different levels of the society. Equality has been discussed a lot but no effective solution has been found yet. I really do not think that one can ever be found. In my country, there are not any people such as natives or immigrants from other countries. So first when I came to the United States I really did not expect to face the situation dealing with racism. I thought in a powerful and technological country like the United States, there should not be any problems such as there is in racism.

I thought people of the country in which astronauts were able to solve the hardest mathematical problem should be civilized enough in order of not focusing on skin color or what group people in the society are from. I believe in god and I believe that he is a just creator; so how is it that he might have created people unequally? He creates people of different groups equally but it is their soul that seems to make them unequal. I also believe that god has created each person with purpose and the purpose is what makes a person a Native American or American African or Joy Harjo or Christopher Columbus. As Joy Harjo says “I don’t believe that there are any accidents in why people were born where they were, who they were, or are. There are no accidents, so I realize that being born an American Indian woman in this time and place is with a certain reason, a certain purpose” (p. 508 multitudes).

Being born as a woman and as a Native American woman in this period of time, that some people want to underestimate the power of the or of the women, for sure has a reason and purpose. This reason is to show how powerful and strong women are instead of being created after men. As we see, some women have done a good job in showing the society the power that they posses. They might not have the physical strengths, but they certainly have the power in their mind and in their heart. In conclusion to this glance of the issue of equality I would like to make a point, as we all know, respect is a two way street and until the Native Americans; who are in the minority of the population, do not see the respect from the majority would not be able to repay equal respect. In the class discussion, someone said that Native Americans are not friendly.

The question I would like to ask is ” Have we shown them what being friendly is?”.