Need Of Farm Hands Directly Following The Civil War

Reasons for a Need of Farm hands Directly following the There were different sources of strengths and weaknesses of the working class in the decades after the Civil War. After the War there was a large demand for resources produced on farms. Farming and the need for agricultural workers increased. Some of the other strengths that were held by the working class after the war were a large result of the Homestead Act. This act was passed in 1862. It gave people the opportunity to own one-hundred and sixty acres of land.

In return for the ownership of this land, the people had to put ten dollars down and live on the land for five years. If they developed the land better and created a productive area, then they could stay and live on the land. This act kept social and economic mobility open for many working class citizens during this time. After the war, Industrialization created an increased need for raw materials. There were also some weaknesses that the Farmers faced after the Civil War. There became an increase in competition between farmers and several different groups.

After World War II, urban majority became suburban majority. A percentage of farmers decreased and had much less power in the political world. This also created less of a cultural influence given by farmers. Farmers also began to compete more with Native Americans for the land and the available resources. The farmers also competed with the land speculators and the ranchers in the area. The cattle and sheep ranchers dominated a large amount of the land.

However, in the winter of 1885-1886, a blizzard killed about 90% of the ranchers’ herd.