Odysseus Life Compared To The My Life

Odysseus’ life is very similar to the lives of many teenagers in many ways. Many teenagers have to make tough decisions, and so did Odysseus. I have to make many choices about things during my life, and Odysseus had to make many tough choices during his journey. During my life I have had to make such decisions as who to be friends with, and trying to decide to do what is good or what is bad. Odysseus had to do the same things. He had to decide to leave Cyclops Island and possibly die, or he had the decision to stay and the Cyclops would kill him.

Although my life is not as complicated as Odysseus’, life is still rough. When I was born I had numerous heart problems and the doctors didn’t think that I would make it. I was very small and I had too many holes in my heart. Well the doctors were wrong, and I made a full recovery within weeks. This is kind of like Odysseus’ journey. When I was reading parts of the book I never thought that Odysseus would make it home, but against all odds he finally made it home to Ithaca.

Then Odysseus having to defeat the rest of the suitors he devised a plan. A plan to destroy all of them so his kingdom wouldn’t be threatened. That is in a way like everyone’s life. Everyone has a plan for there life, and they would devise a plan so no one else could destroy it. When Odysseus lands on Scherif, home of the Phaeacian’s, he is welcomed with open arms. The Phaeacian’s welcomed him into their kingdom.

They felt honored that he was in there presence. The Phaeacian’s say that they will make sure that Odysseus makes a safe return to Ithaca so he can be with his family. In return, Odysseus tells the Phaeacian’s of his travels and hardships from the past decade. When someone does something nice for you, you usually repay him or her.

I have always done that. If someone saves your life you usually say thank you or give him or her something. I have done this exact thing in the past week. Over spring break my car got hit in a restaurant parking lot and they took off. The bumper of my car had been damaged, so I brought to one of my friend’s dad. He gladly helped me fix the bumper.

I asked if there was anything that I could do to repay him. He said no, but then I asked his wife. His wife said that he likes a good bottle of scotch or bourbon. So I went out to a liquor store and I gave my mom money to buy a bottle of Evan Williams.

I gave it to him and he was very surprised. He said thank you, and I said it was the least I could do. I will continue to do things like that if people help me when I am in need of something. When Odysseus returned to Ithaca his kingdom was overunned with jealous and greedy suitors. Odysseus disguised in beggars clothing had to in some way defeat all these suitors. Penelope, Odysseus wife had said since her husband had not returned for so long that whoever could string Odysseus bow and shoot an arrow through 12 axes would marry her, and takeover the kingdom.

Odysseus was the only person who could ever shoot the arrow through the 12 axes. Many of the suitors tried and tried, but no one could even string the bow. Then an old man dressed in beggars clothing tried and he strung the bow with ease and shot the arrow straight threw the axes. That old man was Odysseus; he has returned to takeover his kingdom. Then when he did that he had decided to kill all the suitors. Odysseus did what any of us would of done.

If someone came into your home and took it over, I would try to get them out at all costs. My life is a continuous journey, but Odysseus’ is now over.