In Homer’s Epic The Odyssey supernatural beings intervene in the lives of Odysseus and his crew. From the Trojan War he came across a Cyclops, two sea monsters, and a goddess. We will see how these beings act against our hero. Poseidon and his son, Polyphemus a Cyclops, make it hard for Odysseus to go home.
Poseidon made a storm when they set sail. Poseidon did this because he was outraged by the outcome of the Trojan War. On the other hand Polyphemus tried to eat them. Odysseus had a clever plan to get through this. He told his name was “Nohbdy.” When Polyphemus fell asleep Odysseus’ men skewered a hot metal rod in his eye. Scylla and Charybdis two monsters that somewhat work together to kill their prey.
Scylla had six heads. Her legs or arms grab six men on a boat to eat. Charybdis lurked under the sea waiting for her prey. Once the ship is over her she creates a violent maelstrom that kills everything in its path. Luckily Odysseus got past Charybdis, but he knew he would at least sacrifice three of his men to Scylla. Athena, the goddess of Goddess of Education, Science, Virginity helps Odysseus finish his journey.
The ship was in pieces, but Athena gave him a new one. Once he landed in Ithaca Athena turned him into a beggar. This was his final task to complete. After stringing the bow and killing the suitors, Penelope still doesn’t trust this man who claims to be Odysseus.
Odysseus then tells his wife about their bed being made from a tree. Penelope was then appalled now that she sees her only love. In conclusion, Homer’s Epic The Odyssey supernatural beings intervene in the lives of Odysseus and his crew. We know now that the moral here is to face any obstacle that’s in your way just like how Odysseus did.