Curriculum vitae I was born in Ostrava in September 1973. One year later I was baptized in a small church called St. Mat ” ij and I was given a second name Katerina. Fortunately this wasn’t a name after my godfather as the common practice mainly calls for.
The thing is that my godfather’s name was Hart wald. I was brought up in one of the most beautiful parts of Prague, close to S’areck’e valley that is known from the old Czech myths. I could hardly imagine moving somewhere else but today I live in Prague – Barrandov above a valley called Prokopsk’e. This is also a nice place; a lot of people go walking or jogging there every day. During the summer they enjoy a lovely brook flowing through the valley and even a very small lake. However, nothing compares to the place I was born and I do hope to return there again.
I have one sister, she is 5 years younger than me and her name is Mark ” eta. She was named after my favorite heroine of children’s book. Because both families – my mother’s as well as my father’s – are religious my sister was also baptized when she was 1 year old. In contrast to me her baptism took place in Toebo’o and she was given a second name Magdalena. My father’s family comes from the south of Bohemia.
Nevertheless at the time when I was born my father’s family lived in Prague. My grandfather worked at the Ministry of Agriculture and my grandmother was a tram-driver. They lived in an apartment in one of Prague’s city garden, in a villa with a nice garden full of fruit treas. Soon after my birth they moved back to the south to a village called Boil ice situated 3 km from the spa city Toebo’o.
My grandmother, who is 85, still lives there and runs a small homestead. My father has two sisters; the older lives in Prague too but she intends to move soon into her recently reconstructed family house in Toebo’o to enjoy her retirement and to help and keep an eye on her old mother. She is married but she’s got no children. My father’s younger sister has lived in Toebo’o since 1995 and she runs a small family hotel that is mainly used by the spa guests and foreign tourists.
She has two daughters, one is currently living in Prau ge with her husband and their little daughter, the other one lives in T’abor. My father used to work in engineering for Tesla Group for a long time. After the 1989 revolution he temporarily changed to the pharmaceutical industry but soon he returned to engineering. Nowadays he manages a middle-sized engineering company in S emily.
My mother’s family comes from Prague, despite tha fact that my grandmother was born in Moravia. She was working at a post office as far as I can remember while my grandfather used to work for an engineering company. They used to live in a small manor-house close to my parent’s apartment. The manor-house was, of course, not owned by them. The building original served as a prehistoric museum and later as archeological laboratories and depositories for the Archeological Institute.
My grandparents looked after the daily cleaning of the entire house. My uncle – my mother’s younger brother – lives in Plze’o and works in the construction industry. My mother worked in the educational system for several years. After 1989 she worked at the Financial Office for a short period, today she is a civil servant at the Czech bureau of investigation. As far as I’m concerned, since 1980 I attended elementary school in Prague – Device, the same elementary school my parents went to. There I met several teachers who remembered my parents very well as well as my aunts and uncle.
During the next 8 years I started to study Russian and later also German and English. I passed the entrance examination for the secondary economic school in 1988. After 4 years of studying there I graduated from Mathematics, Economy and Czech and German. Since 1992 I have been working in the banking sector, currently as the account manager in corporate department. My main tasks and duties include helping the customers to manage their export and import activities, helping to mitigate their risks arising out of their export or import contracts, preparing suitable, “tailor-made” financing schemes, maintaining daily relationships with the customers and last but not least acquiring new clients for the bank. Despite my almost 10 years experience in the banking sector I sometimes feel it is a handicap not having a university degree.
Especially for my future carrier I decided to take the opportunity that the International School is offering and I started to study Business Management last year. One never knows whom we might meet and I believe that personal contacts established during studies are often very useful for the future. Some years ago I started to learn French. I admire this language as well as the French culture and history. In fact, I’m very much interested in history prior to the First World War, starting with ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome and France and the great Czech and Moravian history above all. Except literature and culture in general I like all sport activities.
I’m very fond of tennis, squash, volleyball, biking, downhill and cross-country skiing, swimming, jogging and horse riding. I try to practice these kinds of sport more or less on a regular basis, depending on my free time, some of them together with my dog – a big German shepherd. He is an excellent swimmer and loves cross-country skiing. Unfortunately he is less interested in running behind my bike or watching a tennis match without stealing tennis balls.
I’m single and I have no children. I can therefore travel whenever and wherever I want. Travelling is another one of my favorite hobbies. After visiting Cuba last year, which was very interesting indeed, I’m planning a trip either to Egypt’s deserts or to Kamchatka this summer.
Also travelling through the Czech or Slovak republic might be as adventurous and romantic as through the any other country.