Lonnie Tyndall My father has impacted my life severely. We have had our ups and downs, but he is still the best friend I have ever had and he will always be there for me. Since I was born he has been in and out of the military. He is currently in the United States Army Reserves active duty and just recently got back from Kuwait.
He served as an engineer on the boat he was stationed on and sometimes spent hours fixing the engines. As he was serving in Operation Iraqi Freedom he visited the following countries in a period of 7 months: Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Iraq, United Arab Emirates, Ireland, New Foundland, Germany, and Cyprus. He attended school at Richlands High School. He was a bus driver for three years and played JV football. His favorite teacher was Mrs.
Loom us who taught English. He graduated at the age of nineteen and went on to work for the US Government as a civil service worker at Cherry Point, Havelock. When I was just two he was stationed in Hawaii. We lived there for three years during which I attended preschool.
My mother and I left a year before he was to leave to go stay with my grandparents. He was caught in a hurricane while we were gone and walked outside. My dad was then picked up and thrown due to the winds. Luckily he only broke his thumb and was ok in less than six weeks. Now while he is on leave he likes to play Xbox Live with us and just relax at home. His favorite game is Ghost Recon: Island Thunder, which is a war game about the Special Operation forces of the US.
He deserves being able to sit around and do as he please for what he has done for our country. I’m proud to call him my father.