Attributive Tag “‘We are all fragile creatures entwined in a cobweb of social constraints,’ said social psychologist Stanley Mil gram.” (651) Wade, Carole, and Carol Travis. Psychology. New York: Harper, 1987. vortex P Pronunciation Key (v^or t ks) n. pl. vorotexoes or vorotioces (-t -s z) 1.
A spiral motion of fluid within a limited area, especially a whirling mass of water or air that sucks everything near it toward its center. 2. A place or situation regarded as drawing into its center all that surrounds it. Original Sentence: It’s hard not to get swept up in the social vortex of high school. vooraocious P Pronunciation Key (v^o-r sh s, v -) adj.
1. Consuming or eager to consume great amounts of food; ravenous. 2. Having or marked by an insatiable appetite for an activity or pursuit; greedy: a voracious reader. Original Sentence: He was a voracious reader of science fiction books. bamboozle o am-BOO-zum o verb 1: to deceive by underhanded methods: dupe, hoodwink 2: to confuse, frustrate, or throw off thoroughly or completely Original Sentence: Sally bamboozled her mom into thinking she was too sick to go to school.
The Wanderer- Anonymous Elegiac Mode- a lament for something gone The Wife’s Lament- Anonymous Women as peace- weavers to end feuds. Value of a woman. Gave a glimpse of the relationship between husband and wife. Must leave family, lonely, exile. Elegiac Mode- a lament for something gone Beowulf- Anonymous Heroic Mode- Glory in great accomplishment Genre- Epic- long poem about heroic actions First English Epic. Lineage important Doesn’t introduce himself by name Talks of father and clan Kinship groups Grendle is kin Cain who killed his brother and his spawn are monsters, punished by exile, like Grendle First sin evil.
Fratricide- killing one in own group, brother Opens and closes with the death of a king. Scold Mead Hall- party place Heo rot big, represents stability, community, union. Bright spot in a dark existance Lyric- personal feelings of a single person Dream of the Rood- Anonymous Judith- Anonymous Sir Gawain and the Green Knight- Pearl Poet or- Anonymous Morte D arthur- Malory Laval- Marie de France Chaucer- General Prologue Chaucer- Miller’s Tale I don’t know.