Outline Of Vincent Van Gogh

Vincent . Early Life A. Birth 1. Vincent van Gogh was born on March 30, 1853.

2. Vincent van Gogh was born in Groot Zundert, The Netherlands. 3. Van Gogh’s birth came one year to the day after his mother gave birth to a first, stillborn child — also named Vincent. B.

Family 1. Theodor us van Gogh was Vincent father. And Anna Cornelia Carbentus was Vincent Mother. 2. Vincent had Brother name Theo van Gogh.

3. Vincent had a Sister name Elizabeth Van Gogh. C. School 1. Van Gogh attended a boarding school in Zevenbergen from when he was ten to twelve. 2.

King Willem II secondary school in Tilburg from thirteen to fifth teen. 3. Van Gogh left his studies at fifth teen and never returned. II.

First Two Careers A. An Art Dealer 1. When Vincent Van Gogh was 16 he joined the firm Goupil & Cie, a firm of art dealers in The Hague. 2. Vincent was relatively successful as an art dealer and stayed with Goupil & Cie.

for seven more years. 3. When Vincent Van Gogh was 20 was transferred to the London branch of the company. 4. Vincent would stay there for two years and transfer to paris for a year and then come back to london. B.

Protestant minister 1. When Vincent Van Gogh was 23 it was truly a time of religious transformation for him. 2. Vincent began to speak at prayer meetings held within the parish of Turn ham Green. 3. Vincent was enthusiastic about his prospects as a minister, his sermons were somewhat lackluster and lifeless.

4. Later Van Gogh decide to moved to his next and final career which was An Artist. III. Beginnings as an Artist A. The Starting 1. Vincent started to by applied for study at the Ecole des Beaux-Art in Brussels.

2. Van Gogh was reject from the art school. 3. Vincent continued drawings lessons on his own. 4. An 28 year old Van Gogh moved back in with his parents while studying.

B. Van Gogh First major love 1. During Van Gogh stay with his Parents in Netherlands, he met his cousin Cornelia Adriana Vos-S tricker (nickname Kee). 2.

Vincent fell in love with Kee and was devastated when she rejected his advances. 3. After a Family agrement and with keep parent Van Gogh was humiliated when it was over. C. Van Gogh Second Major love 1. Vincent van Gogh met Clas ina Maria Hornik (nickname ‘Sien’) when he was 29, in The Hague.

2. Vincent lived with Sien for the next year and a half. 3. Van Gogh was very devoted to Sien and her child. IV. New Beginnings A.

Paris 1. Theo convinced Vincent to move to paris, Vincent was 33 year old. 2. Vincent lived in Paris for two years.

3. Vincent lived with Theo in his Apartment. B. Japanesse Inspiration 1. Japan recently opened its ports and many artist were influence by it culture difference. 2.

Van Gogh made only 3 Heavy Japanesse paintings. C. Leaving Paris 1. Van Gogh had a unhealthy extremes like poor nutrition, and excessive drinking and smoking while living in Paris. 2. Vincent more happy then when he was outdoors communing with nature when the weather was at its finest and when bad weather came in Paris, Vincent got depressed and irritable.

3. Also Vincent didn’t enjoy living it a big city such as Paris IV. Arles A. Two Artist 1. An 35 year old Vincent Van Gogh lived with an artist name Paul Gauguin in Arles. 2.

Vincent and Paul would be good friend at first and discussing their art and differing techniques. 3. Van Gogh and Gua guin would get in to a heat argument and would become more frequent. B. The Cutting of the Ear 1. December 23, Vincent van Gogh, in an irrational fit of madness, mutilated the lower portion of his left ear.

2. He severed the lobe with a razor and wrapped it in cloth. 3. Van Gogh then gave it to a women that work in the brothel. C.

Van Gogh in the hospital 1. Van Gogh would later collapse and be sent to an Hospital. 2. Vincent had suffered a great deal of blood loss and continued to suffer serious attacks in which he was incapacitated.

3. Van Gogh would later be released and would be re confinement in a asylum. V. Confinement A. Van Gogh’s Sickness 1.

Van Gogh was placed in the care of Dr. Th’ Zach arie Auguste Peyron. 2. Dr. Peyron was convinced that his patient (Vincent) was suffering from a type of epilepsy. 3.

Vincent’s mental well-being remained stable and he was allowed to resume painting. and produce ‘Starry Night’. B. Let Another Breakdown 1. Another Mental attack Vincent tried to ingest his own paints. 2.

Van gogh had many other Mental breakdown or attacks during his stay in the Asylum. C. Leaving the Asl yum 1. Theo, Vincent Van Gogh’s Brother thought it be for the best if Vincent would return to Paris and be care by Dr.

Paul Ga chet. 2. May 16, 1890 Vincent van Gogh left the asylum and took an overnight train to Paris. VI. An Death of a ArtistA. Death 1.

Vincent Van Gogh shot wit a revolver himself in the chest on July 27, 1890. 2. Van Gogh died in his brother arms. 3. Vincent van Gogh died at 1: 30 am.

on 29 July 1890 4. The Catholic church of Avers refused to allow Vincent’s burial in its cemetery because Vincent had committed suicide. 5. The nearby township of M’er, however, agreed to allow the burial and the funeral was held on 30 July..