There is a grave national crisis occurring all across the nation. Children everywhere are committing acts of hostility in their schools. Fifty-seven percent of public elementary and secondary school principals reported that one or more incidents of crime or violence occurred in their schools and were reported to law enforcement officials. Ten percent of all public schools experienced one or more serious violent crimes. Schools are no longer a safe haven for children but are now considered war zones where victims are abundant and violence is the enemy. This problem should be solved because this becoming a common sight every where a person goes.
I intend to end these ridiculous horrors that are becoming so common. There is but one solution to combat these tragedies that affect so many people all over America. It is a simple and modest proposal that no one can refuse. We must remove the parents from their children and have them grow up with out them. Since parents are obviously the problem, they must be removed from the equation. We can put the parents in camps to live why their kids grow in captivity.
The parents will have little rights with their children. The one key point in solving this problem. The state will play the role of the parents and big brother to keep them safe and to teach them. The children will conform to their rules and traditions.
The children will live at a public school, and the parents will continue to work in order to financially support their children. The camps will have various tasks in which the parents can collect revenue to pay for the children’s education and other types of commodities for the children. The parents will not be allowed to not work to support their children. They will be allowed to visit on regular designated times.
So that the children are not going to go through their childhood not knowing who gave birth to them. The parents will get no more than two hours worth of time to enjoy their child’s development. Children will begin to live with their parents after thorough psychological and financial screening which will begin no sooner than when the child reaches the age of eighteen years. The child has a choice to live with the parents or join the one of the governments military services. The child may also be used for chemical and nuclear testing. This plan will take effect in the year 2003.
A plan as simple and powerful as this should begin after I graduate from Wellington High School. The plan would be used to save millions of lives and raise money flow in our little economical slump we have by forty percent. This money could be used to help other areas in Americas troubles such as homeless and the gun control issue. The most efficient and effective programs for developing safe schools are those that emphasize prevention, positive alternatives, the development of social skills, and recognition of socially competent behavior. Teach the children with group activities and working together. Let them grow a bond with one another.
At the local level, the schools should promote discipline, self-esteem, and extra-curricular activities. Sports and art programs are excellent was of opening up a child’s mind some their own talents and what they might be good at. This could prove to teach the children to expand their minds. Resources for parents should become more readily available. The parents should be able to afford certain things for their children that they rarely cant. They should start foundations to help parents with this dilemma.
Involvement of parents with their children is crucial for the development of every child and should be encouraged. The parent is the most important role if a child knows its being heard and someone is listening that child will feel comfort. The childrens life is just as important’s as the parents and we should hold that more precious than anything else. I profess, in the sincerity of my heart, that I have not the least personal interest in promoting this necessary proposal, having no other motive than the public good. I want that schools have more art programs for children.
They and develop new ways for kids to be social in school. Make the parents get involved. Support finding a way the parents have a resource for their children.