! ^0 One may understand the cosmos, but never the ego; the self is more distant than any star. ! +/- Chesterfield No one thinks or acts the same; this world is not made of robots. In the Temple of Apollo, it was engraved a well-known saying! a! a! a! ^0 Know Yourself! +/-. The God creates various persons, people are unique. Nowadays, people live in the multi-cultural world and educate in various environments.
Seldom can one generalize about . Human behaviour depends more on such factors as heredity, ability, personality, and thinking. Heredity Heredity is determined by genes. Genes are short segments of the cell structures called chromosomes, which parents pass on to their offspring. Just as Geoffrey (1984) said, ! ^0 Genes consist of chemical substances that give the offspring a tendency toward certain physical and behavioural qualities.
! +/- Scientists once made a survey on a Marx, a wine bibber and gamble living in America 200 years ago and his offspring and were surprised to find that among his posterity, about 300 people lived by begging; seven people sentenced to death penalty because of homicide; 163 people were sent to the prison because of stealing and defrauding; about 50 people lived in the collecting post; only 20 people dressed warmly and ate their fill; while another survey to Darwin! s, one of the most famous scientists in the world, demonstrated that there exist many other well-known people such as Francis Galton, George Howard Darwin, and Erasmus Darwin etc in his clan, . The case of these two different clans shows that genes! impact on a person! s behavioral development. Some scientists are also convinced that genes have influence over general intelligence and special aptitudes in such activities as athletics, music and science. But heredity is not the only factor involved in producing these characteristics. Ability For people, ability is an important psychological characteristic. Just as Mcshane (2003, p.
39) said, ! ^0 Ability includes both the natural aptitudes and learned capabilities required to complete a task successfully. ! +/- Aptitudes are the born ability or skill. For example, you may not know how to conduct a symphony. However, in China, Zhou zhou who is a retarded has a more natural ability than others to conduct a symphony. Learned capabilities are the skills, which you have actually obtained.
Mcshane (2003, p. 39) states, ! ^0 Learned capabilities includes the physical and mental skills you posses as well as the knowledge you acquire and store for late use. ! +/- In instance, football player may have wonderful football skills and flexibility; and a musician is regard to be more sensitive to music rhythm. Similarly, as an administrant, he has to assign the tasks on basis of individual! s ability. Personality Personality affects your behaviour and is fundamental to both choosing a career and presenting yourself convincingly to an employer. The treatment of personality involves examining the types of behaviour you prefer and those which you dislike.
Individuals have their own way of thinking and acting, their own unique style or personality. Just as the Mcshane says (2003, p. 93), ! ^0 Personality refers to the relating stable pattern of behaviours and consistent internal states that explain a person! s behavioural tendencies. ! +/- Individual! s personality is mainly influenced by social environment. Personality traits include various dimensions such as extroversion, introversion. Companies regularly assign the job positions according to the personalities.
For instance, people who are upright and outspoken can deal with each problem fairly; companies usually assign people to draw up the rules and regulations. And those who are fond of seeking uniqueness and new ideas but refuse being restricted by others, are more suitable for some creative tasks. Personality traits are important factor to establish an organization. Different persons are born with particular personality, which will determine their human behaviour. Thinking! ^0 It is common to suppose that people are characterized by their rationality, and the most evident display of our rationality is our capacity to think. ! +/- (Blackburn, 2000, p.
376) As for thinking, different people also behave in various ways. Faced with the same situation, people will solve the problem in different ways. For example, most western people tend to discuss the problems in teams. They are convinced that people as a team will create more and work more effectively since one can contribute his intelligence and capability to his team. On the contrary, people believe in themselves more in oriental countries. They persist that success comes from personal efforts.
On the way to success, no one can replace you to step each step though others may help you occasionally. That! s why western people prefer collectivism, while eastern people are prone to individualism different thinking. Hence, thinking creates difference in behaviors. Behavior is regarded as any activity of a person or other living thing.
Many factors will affect human behaviour. So you cannot generalize about human behaviour, they are different. Leaders should put more effort into knowing his employees and then assign them to the most suitable position. Only by doing this, can we have a high effective group. References: Hall, Geoffrey. (1984).
Behaviour: ! ^0 An Introduction to Psychology as a Biological Science. ! +/- U. K. : Academic Press Simon, Blackburn.
(2000). ! ^0 Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy. ! +/- (pp. 376), U. K. : Oxford University Press Steven, Mcshane.
(2003). ! ^0 Organisational Behaviour on the Pacific Rim. ! +/-, Australia: McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Limited Yang Zi wu. (1998). ! ^0 Read & Recite! +/-, China: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.