Bibliography Elie Wiesel was born on September 30, 1928 in Sight, Romania. He lived the regular life a Jewish child with a strong believe in God and religion. He grew up in his town being a young innocent boy and close to his family. At the age of sixteen, Elie and his family were unfortunates that were deported to Auschwitz, where the concentration camps were located in Poland. In less than a year, his father died. It is not proved, exactly, that it affected him deeply, but we can assume because of way he expresses himself to the reader in the novel Night.
That same year, all Jews were liberated from the torture the Nazis caused. After the war, Wiesel attended the University of Paris and also worked for a newspaper company was in charge of answering people’s problems. He really did a great job, and used that opportunity to begin emphasizing the Holocaust. From there, he began working, separately, on Night and later on his book was published in 1958.
As time his life goes on, he began to travel around the world, publishing more books and receiving awards for his talent. Because of his education, job experience, and talents, Elie was offered the opportunity to work as a professor of humanities at Boston University at the age of 48 and was elected chairman of the U. S. President’s Commission on the Holocaust. He served for twenty years as chairman.
Towards the end of his life, he was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal of Achievement and the Nobel Peace Prize. All his books were honored because they revealed how people, who actually lived through those times, felt and how they were affected. These books are priceless! These are some of the books he wrote and published: Night in 1960, Dawn in 1961, The Accident in 1962, The Town Beyond the Wall in 1964, and A Beggar in Jerusalem in 1970. Characters: 1.
Eliezer Wiesel 2. Shlomo Wiesel 3. Moshe the Beadle 4. Mrs.
Wiesel 5. Hilda Wiesel 6. Beatrice Wiesel 7. Tzipora 8.
Malta 9. Tobias 10. Bahia Reich 11. Stein of Antwerp 12. Berkowitz 13. Madame Kahn 14.
Stern 15. Maria 16. Madame Schachter 17. Bela Katz 18.
Yechiel 19. Akira Drummer 20. Julie 21. Louis 22. Hans 23. Frank 24.
Martha 25. Meir Katz 26. Her sch Genu d 27. Yossi 28. Tibi 29.
Alphonse 30. Chief Kap o 31. Dr. Menge le 32. Zalman. Elie Wiesel in his novel Night, written in the 1950’s, expresses the terrifying moments that occurred to him while he was captured.
It is a proven fact that Hitler wanted to get rid of the Jews that didn’t have certain looks and Elie was one of the many who did not meet the requirements. Because this man had much power over Germany, he took advantage and invaded all the cities that Jews lived in. His actions were the cause of suffrage to millions and millions of people. Elie describes the torment he had to undergo in the camps in a very emotional way by giving in the novel exact details as how his life goes upon. Setting: Going to the camps, entering the camps, and being dislocated from them was a pattern Eliezer went through many times throughout the novel. This all began when he was sent away from his hometown to Aushchwitz.
, Birkenau, Buna, Gleiwitz, Buchenwald, and Kasuchau. As time went along and were changed location, people were treated worse. It went from eating right amount of food, to half, then less, and less and till the end, they were starved for days. Every location would affect the people in the sense that they never made friends, would lose hope of finding their family, would be treated worse by the guards, and also be limited of supplies. Mentioning the details on how the camps were and how the people reacted to the situations is something that not just any scientists can state with exactitude, but Elie has the knowledge to do so. Mood Since he is retelling the hideous story from the past; his feelings are demonstrated to be sad, desperate, and also gloomy.
What was done to them, Jews, was cruel and un-human like. The author shows a sad attitude towards the story because it really hurt him deeply what they did to him and mostly the death of his father. When the Elie is transported from Transylvania to Aushchwitz, they transport them on a cattle wagon. I can roughly estimate that about 20 people fit with a civil amount of space. These people exaggerated it and would sum up to 80 people in there and this is a quote Eliezer mentions to describe the toughness of being trapped there, “Lying down was out of the questions, and we were only able to sit by deciding to take turns.” (Pg.
21) Another action that upsets him, that is obvious, is when he watches people dying of starvation, torture, being beaten brutally, and even murdered. Towards the end, his father dies because he is old of age and his body can’t take it anymore. “I did not weep, and it pained me that I could not weep,” (Pg. 106) this is mentioned by Eliezer to emphasize that he had been affected physically and mentally by torture. Theme Horror and faith are the two main themes in the novel Night. Horror is related to the actions and situations that Eliezer had to face.
While the Jews were sent to camps, the guards and Hitler took charge in making their lives impossible. From not feeding them, to beating them till their death, to burning them at the crematories were everyday actions that traumatized the people. The victims of all this were not afraid to die, at a certain time, but were horrified by what they could do to them and how it would hurt them. A simple death is something they all wished for because they knew the possibilities they had of undergoing brutal circumstances while dying. Faith is another theme that serves to describe how slowly they begin losing their self-image and their way of living.
At the beginning of the novel, it mentions that he is a strong believer of God and would like to further study about his religion. Later on, when he is first taken captured, he prays every night hoping that the next would be better. It is understood that this helps him survive. But towards the end, he states in a manner very hurt that he can’t pray anymore. All the events brainwashed his mind and soul. Symbolism It is quite difficult finding the relation between the book and the title.
In this case, Night symbolizes the tough, and harsh times he overcame for a certain amount of time and later there will be sun. But throughout the novel, he concentrates on deploring the dark sides. “Never shall I forget that night… live as long as God Himself.
Never.” (Pg. 32) Elie mentions this quote to express how his inner memories don’t let him be his usual self and how they torment him. Elie gives an extra detail by saying that it was winter. Since the Jews were striped down and taken away all their possessions, they really didn’t have much to protect themselves and keep them warm. This was another cause of death.