Many people thinks that Weimar Republic of Germany and the provisional government of Italy were not built on solid foundation, and their rule seemed shaky. The reason for this is because the two governments were facing a lot of post war problem and other long-existing problem. As they were not able to solve them, social unrest followed, this troubled the governments even more. Politically, the form of government was already a problem.
These two countries were trying to turn itself from absolute monarchy to democratic rule (Germany) and constitutional monarchy. Yet, not all people were ready for it, especially in Germany. Most Germans still felt that the army and the upper classes were really the rightful rulers. As in Italy, they still couldn! |t get used to the new democratic system. They were confused whether to listen to the pope or their government since there! |s always a contradiction between religion and politics. As a result, this lack of political experience and people! |s support made it difficult for the government to solve the rest of it! |s problem.
In the Paris Peace Conference after WWI, both victorious Italy and defeated Germany were not satisfied. Their people put their blames on them. So once again, the governments faced the problem if little support. In Italy, the people were disappointed since they had scarified a lot and only get little: Tyrol and Istria. They failed to get Dalmatia and Fiume. They saw this as a humiliation and started c laming their government, although a nationalist captured Fiume, the government didn! |t seize the chance to get Fiume.
Therefore, it became even more unpopular. Yet, it didn! |t know how to solve this problem. In Germany, situation was worse. People first blamed their president for agreeing to armistice. Then, they resented because f the humiliating Treaty of Versailles. The! SS war guilt!” clause was an insult and they thought they received such punishment because they were betrayed by their government.
Besides, the parliament was what intensified the problem. In both Germany and Italy the parliament was made up of many tiny parties, forming a coalitional government. This brought great political instability. This weakness further angered the people. The 2 governments seemed to be unable to solve these political troubles. Economically, the situation was no better.
The 2 governments were already very poor after WWI. Trade stopped, harvest was destroyed, unemployment raised, resulting in inflation. In Germany, the huge reparation and the hand-over of the rich natural resources area: Saar, worsened things. Italian Government solved the problem by increasing tax, but this resulted in greater discontent. German Government tried to print out more paper money, but this completely collapsed the while economy. People were furious.
The failure of the relief policy made people gave away all hopes. The government! |s credibility could hardly be saved. Although an able leader, Stress man did once save German! |s faith. This only last for a very short time. After his death, the Great Depression hit the Germans on their face. The economic downturn was so disastrous that no one could save Weimar Republic again.
The political and economic instability made the people mad. They no longer showed their respect and trust to their governments. This led to the possibility of a political crisis. P 3 eople in those two countries began to abandon democracy.
Some resented lower classes joined the socialist or the communists. But most of them were ready to try a dictatorship of Fascism or Nazism. The growth of these 2 extreme groups was so rapid that it began to threaten the rulers. Yet, with the lack of support, they can do little. Also, the problems- economic, political and social- was too complicated that they were out of governments! | control. Therefore, these accumulating problems finally forced the 2 governments to their ends.
2003 (9 b) Facing these chaos left by the previous democratic governments. Both Mussolini and Hitler tried to solve the problem by gaining support and firm rule before enforcing any policies, because the root of the downfall of the democratic governments was the distrust of the people. Once the people! |s confidant was built up, they could clear out the problem fairly easily. Politically, they attempted to establish a strong totalitarian dictatorship to clear the corruption and weaknesses. In Germany, it cleared out all opponents by secret polices and the S. S.
They used imprisonment and execution to quite the public and prevent the spread of anti-government feelings. Anti-communism and anti-democracy was encouraged. The dictators wanted nothing to stop them from solving the problem. They also used! SS softer!” method such as propaganda. They glorified Nazism and made people worship Hitler like GOD. By doing so, they could clear the obstacles in implementing policies and could pave way for the! SS better future!” of Germany.
In Italy, situation was the same. Only the names of the secret police differ and the target of worship become Mussolini and Fascism instead of Hitler and Nazism. In addition, they tried to create a popular and strong government by promoting racial superiority and glorify war. For instance, Germany post the Jews as their greatest enemy and enact the Nuremberg Laws; the 2 countries trying to intervene the Spanish Civil War in hope of getting more glory and support from their people. This could divert people! |s attention and promote their blind love to their countries.
This could also arouse their extreme patriotic and nationalistic feeling. This whole-hearted support enabled the dictators to carry out ruthless policies against the difficult problem. Besides the common tactics used by them, e. g. propaganda, glorification of war, force, etc. different methods were used in different countries according to their different needs.
In Italy, Mussolini settled the long-existing disagreement with the Pope. The Italians were grateful because they could! SS finally be both a good Italian and a good Catholic. !” In Germany, Hitler tried to repudiate the Treaty of Versailles by rearmament programmed and military actions. This settled the basic grievances of the people and made them trust their dictator: Hitler. With these actions, the 2 dictators won the whole-hearted support; the rule of them was strengthened. The other problem could now be easily tackled with the basis of people! |s support.
For local economy, the 2 dictators promoted economic self-sufficiency. In Italy, Mussolini established a corporate state to control all trades and settled disputes. Series of! SSbattle!” were launched, including! SSbattle for Wheat!” , ! SSBattle for Birth!” and! SSBattle for Land!” , etc. They also tried to develop their own Industry and depend less on imports, which was most significant in Germany. Hitler provided millions of jobs by expanding military and having public work done. Besides expanding their economy locally, they tried to expand overseas by conquering neighboring land, e.
g. , Germany trying to obtain Lebensraum from the! SS inferior Slavs!” . By conquering these lands, more resources and land could be obtained. Economy could be improved. Through expansion, establishing absolute rule and implementing different economic policies, the 2 dictators could basically solve most of the economic and political unrest. The weaknesses of the previous governments were cleared away.
Yet, the basis of all economic and political crises was the Peace Settlement. Thus, the 2 dictators decided to revise and even openly challenged the Settlement. For example, Hitler rearmed and expand, ignoring the League of Nations; Mussolini trying to gain back what Italy lost during the Conference by colonizing other places. All in all, the 2 dictators regarded Paris Peace Settlement and the whole political system as the source of all trouble. By clearing these obstacles, all other problem would melt away.
To achieve this, force and violent was the key.