People Slavery American Slaves

A Look Back on the Great Depression of 1936 The Great Depression was a time of tremendous poverty and deprivation. It put many hard-working men and women out of their jobs and sources of income. It left many wholesome, decent, families out on the street, homeless; their pride and dignity stripped of them. Many people would be left to starve, without money to buy food or pay for shelter.

Some people even turned against their own friends so that they could support their families. Many became oblivious to the needs of others and thought only of how they themselves could benefit. As the days went by, the number of people with illness and disease increased, and with little money for food or medicine t… For minorities, as for other Americans, the Civil War was an opportunity to prove their valor and loyalty. Among the first mustered into the Union Army were a De Kalb regiment of German American clerks, he Garibaldi Guards made up of Italian Americans, a “Polish Legion,” and hundreds of Irish American youths form Boston and New York. But in Ohio and Washington, D.

C. , African American volunteers were turned away from recruiting stations and told, “This is a white man’s war.” Some citizens questioned the loyalty of immigrants who lived in crowded city tenements until an Italian American from Brooklyn turned that around. In the New York Senate, Democrat Francis S… John Sport His 141 A slave’s life is something that is hard to visualize on account of the lifestyle they lived would be ludicrous in today’s society.

Slaves were not considered people of society they were seen as cheap replaceable machines. They were forced to conduct work that slaveowners could not complete by themselves or buy paying men to work for them. During the time of slavery it was only natural that if you owned land you would need slaves to produce for your benefit. Slavery had a rise and a fall but throughout the time slavery did exist, cruel and unusual treatment was given to the slaves. Slavery began in 1619 when 20 Africans were purchased in Ja….