KY Department of Education web > Program of Studies – High School Arts and Humanities Last updated on Saturday, May 24, 2003 History and Appreciation of Visual and Performing Arts Content in history and appreciation of visual and performing arts is a graduation requirement for all students. The content builds upon knowledge and skills acquired in middle level arts programs to provide students with a grounding in the arts that enables them to appreciate their cultural and historical heritage. The content in history and appreciation of visual and performing arts includes the disciplines of dance, music, theatre, art, and literature combined with the humanities. A variety of media, print sources, and participatory activities are blended to provide a connection among periods, styles, and cultures.
Students become aware that time, place, and society influence the arts and humanities and that different peoples share common experiences and attitudes. The main focus is to enable students to respond to all art forms through describing, analyzing, interpreting, evaluating, and considering the arts as significant human achievements In addition to specifying the essential arts and humanities content, the bulleted items provide connections to Kentucky’s Learning Goal 5 (Think and Solve Problems) and Goal 6 (Connect and Integrate Knowledge). These connections provide a comprehensive link between essential content and the skills and abilities important to learning. Lists in parentheses (designated with an “e. g.” ) are suggestions for instruction and are not meant to be comprehensive. A local board of education may substitute an integrated, applied, interdisciplinary, or higher level course for a required course if the alternative course provides rigorous content and addresses the same academic expectations.
High School Arts and Humanities History and Appreciation of Visual and Performing Arts In order for students to appreciate and respond to the arts and humanities, they must understand the historical contexts in which the arts developed and how artists create and perform in various arts disciplines. Arts Interrelationships Among The Arts AH-H-I-1 Students will consider how artists in various cultures use elements and principles of arts to create artistic works. AH-H-I-2 Students will examine how any artist’s performance is influenced by the culture, period, and style in which a work is created. Historical and Cultural Context AH-H-I-3 Students will analyze, interpret, and evaluate the creation and performance of works in various arts disciplines. AH-H-I-4 Students will explain how ideas, thoughts, and traditions of humankind are reflected in arts through historical and cultural contexts. Dance Elements of Dance AH-H-Da-1 Students will describe the process of making dance and how elements of dance (space, time, force) are used to create and communicate meaning.
AH-H-Da-2 Students will describe and analyze the effect music, costumes, lighting, props, and scenery have on the choreographic idea of dance. AH-H-Da-3 Students will describe how performers use elements of dance in various dance styles and improvisation. Historical and Cultural Context AH-H-Da-4 Students will describe similarities and differences among dance styles. AH-H-Da-5 Students will compare and contrast how dance is used in thematic, social, historical, and / or political contexts. AH-H-Da-6 Students will analyze, interpret, and evaluate various aspects of a dance performance. AH-H-Da-7 Students will explain how dance reflects various time cultures, periods, and styles.
AH-H-Da-8 Students will analyze the way a dance might be viewed from different perspectives (critics, audiences, choreographers, performers). AH-H-Da-9 Students will analyze, interpret, and evaluate roles of compositional forms in dance. Music Elements of Music AH-H-M-1 Students will use elements of music (rhythm, melody, form, timbre, harmony, tempo, dynamics) to describe how musicians compose, perform, and improvise. AH-H-M-2 Students will interpret music notation and symbols. AH-H-M-3 Students will describe how musicians apply basic knowledge, skills, and interpretations in musical performances.
Historical and Cultural Context AH-H-M-4 Students will analyze, interpret, and evaluate various aspects of musical performances. AH-H-M-5 Students will describe various styles and purposes of music and explain how music reflects historical and cultural influences. Theatre Elements of Drama AH-H-Dr-1 Students will apply knowledge and skills of elements of production (set, lighting, costumes, sound, spectacle) to interpret dramatic works. AH-H-Dr-2 Students will apply knowledge and skills of elements of performance (e. g. , monologue, dialogue, soliloquy, character motivation, voice, sensory recall) to interpret dramatic works.
AH-H-Dr-3 Students will describe how playwrights, directors, actors, and stage technicians employ elements of production and performance to create and perform dramatic works (e. g. , formal theatre, film, television), to express ideas and emotions, and to achieve a desired effect or response from audiences. AH-H-Dr-4 Students will apply knowledge and skills of dramatic elements (e.
g. , exposition, development, climax, reversal, denouement, protagonist, antagonist, tension, foreshadowing) to interpret dramatic works. AH-H-Dr-5 Students will identify skills and training necessary for a variety of careers related to drama. AH-H-Dr-6 Students will analyze descriptions, dialogue, and actions within scripts or texts to discover, describe, and justify character motivation. AH-H-Dr-7 Students will describe, model, and use theatre etiquette.
Historical and Cultural Context AH-H-Dr-8 Students will identify, analyze and classify dramatic works from various periods, styles, and cultures by considering cultural and symbolic clues such as style, setting, costume, movement, language, and staging. AH-H-Dr-9 Students will analyze influences of history and culture in the writing, production, and performance of a dramatic works. AH-H-Dr-10 Students will compare how dramatic works from various cultures and historical periods reveal universal themes. AH-H-Dr-11 Students will describe and compare interactions between performing (e. g.
, theatre, dance, music) and visual artists and their audiences. Visual Arts AH-H-VA-1 Students will describe how visual artists use elements of art, principles of design, processes (e. g. , drawing, painting, textiles), media (e. g. , paint, fibers, wood, clay), and techniques to create art works.
Historical and Cultural Context AH-H-VA-2 Students will analyze, interpret, and evaluate a variety of art works. AH-H-VA-3 Students will explain how visual artworks reflect cultures, time periods, and styles.