I have been asking myself a question, what is it that I really want out of my life? This question has been on my mind since my freshman year of high school. To start, I must try to figure out the path, which will lead me to the comfortable life. One might ask, what is that comfort that we all are striving for? Is it a state of mind or is it some unknown world that we are so eager to enter? Well it varies from person to person, depending on your level of success. One of the biggest parts of decision-making, like going back to college, can be very difficult for most of us. Most people I associate with believe that success depends on your family’s background that you have.
There are those who say if the person was raised in a rich family, all opportunities are available to them and there is a good chance that person will live a comfortable life. Those same people are saying that if a person was raised in a poor family there are too many obstacles to overcome and most of the time these barriers on the way are too hard to cross. I have witnessed being born in a rich family helps a great deal during the course of your life. You are brought up in the household that provides the best condition for exploring the world, and its greatness. There are no worries about the basic needs like food, shelter or security, and all the resources are provided being the excessive amount of money. Being born in a rich family also means meeting people and making the contacts earlier in life, which will later be helpful in that most difficult step of finding your first job.
Another aspect of being born to a rich family is the set example by your surroundings. When you are around people who have accomplished something in life it is only natural to strive for something high in life. On the other hand, we have a person born to a financially challenged family has been exposed to a lot of worries about financial situations. Most likely, that person at an early age, had to think of how to support a family or just help them self out. That person will have to work, along with going to school, which will take away concentration from school. Therefore, a person has little chance to finish high school or even go to college.
Sometimes a financially challenged family will show little or no support for the higher education because they will look at the short run problems, they need money now, not four years from now. To every rule there are always exceptions. There are people who would totally disagree that the opportunities are limited only to the rich. They probably see this world as a much brighter place, the place where any person could reach the desired goal if he / she wants it bad enough. The programs that the government offers to the financially challenged supports every individual that would try their best to succeed in life. This includes such things as financial aid, state and federal scholarships, educational programs, and student loans.
I have set many different goals in my life. Some goals are more important than others, but all are important to keep. Our goals in life make us what we are. Personal goals have a tendency to change over time, as you, yourself change over time. Goals in my life are important to me, as they should be to everyone, but sometimes people stray from their goals, due to impulses or greed. I hope, from this day forward, that I can follow my goals carefully and not stray from them.
One of my goals that I have set for myself is to do well in school and start by earning my Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration. I will be spending the next few years at the University of Phoenix enlightening my mind. Although I am presently working five to six days a week I will still be able to attend school one day a week, which will help me to focus more on my goal. Once I have earned by bachelors, I will continue to work towards my master’s degree in business. Another goal that I have set is to receive the training and education that I need to open all opportunities to receive a productive job that I will enjoy in the future. I do know that in order to fulfill my dream, I will have to put in a lot of hard work and time.
My career goal is to work for a Fortune 500 company as the top or one of the top executives of the company with a six-figure income. Once my two main goals have been established, I will then marry the greatest woman, currently in my life, and spend the rest of my life with her. I would really enjoy planning some incredible getaway trips, such as a Caribbean cruise or a Disney World Adventure. My first step towards my future is a college education. To become successful in this, I must have the will power and the dream that I have strived for all my life. If everything goes as planned, my dream will surely follow..