Recently I found myself at a crossroad in life. I needed to evaluate what I really wanted to accomplish and why. Should I continue on the same path I was on or take a side trip leading to new opportunities? After giving it much thought, I determined the latter choice coincided with my personal goal of attaining my bachelor degree. This paper will discuss my personal goals as they apply to my educational career with the , as well as some of my strengths and weaknesses that will contribute to my success.
Returning to college, as a working adult, is a challenge for anyone. Up to this point, I had been successful obtaining positions that would normally require a bachelor degree. I was able to prove I was suitable for management positions in various capacities simply with hard work and perseverance. My last position exposed me to new areas of interest in technology and project management that I desiderate d pursuing.
After I became unemployed last year I found myself back in the job market. It had become much more competitive than I ever had known. However, this presented me with the opportunity to pursue my newfound interests. This is the primary objective that I hope to meet by attending the University of Phoenix.
Identifying strengths and weaknesses that will affect my success as a student requires more examination.
I possess many attributes of strength that will help me achieve my goals, primarily my high work ethic and relentless quest for knowledge. I take pride in my accomplishments and ability to recognize opportunities. I believe in integrity and am adept at holding those who work with me to the same standard. Since the University of Phoenix exercises a team learning concept this virtue will make me an advantageous member of my group. Undoubtedly, my appetite for learning will provide me with the motivation I need to focus and complete the task I have assigned myself.
In addition, I tend to be somewhat of a perfectionist. The beneficial result of this characteristic is that I am very detail oriented and strive for excellence.
Weaknesses are much harder to admit and determine when looking at oneself. My most inhibiting weakness is my innate affinity for travel. As I mentioned before, I have an insatiable desire to learn and experience new things. In the past, I have considered the world around me as my primary classroom.
Invariably, my belief has been to broaden my life experience and education by being exposed to diversified environments. By prioritizing this as my means of education, I have slighted the obvious avenues of traditional learning. I now need to refocus this belief to encompass academia as one that is as equally important.
Overall, going back to school will afford me a new set of experiences and opportunities. The use of affirmations, such as “I am enthusiastic about learning,” will steady my course toward my goal (Gross, 1999, p. 66).
By working on my recognized weaknesses and building on my stated strengths I will learn the discipline I need to fulfill my goal of obtaining a bachelor degree. Furthermore, I will be more successful in the pursuit of my new career interests.
Gross, R (1999). Peak Learning: A master course in learning how to learn. New York:
J. P.
T archer/Putnam.