Phobia Lot Scent Time

A phobia is defined as an irrational or very powerful fear and dislike of something. There is a name for almost every phobia that is known. Psychologists and researchers typically pinpoint a time from childhood when the phobia usually starts. It is caused by a stressful or traumatizing situation. A lot of people can be cured with treatment while others just learn to live with their phobia. Generally, things that look similar to or is in the same category as the phobia triggers the same emotional response.

Sometimes people are disgusted with a certain thing and can not be exactly sure of what is so disgusting about that thing they are afraid of. Many people are also unaware that they may have a phobia. It has been proven that it might also be genetic; there is not a whole lot of significant evidence to prove this though. According to Psychology by Hockenbury and Hockenbury, phobias are conditioned and can be unconditioned.

From the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Nov 2002 v 41 i 11 p 1376 (4) (2266 words), a boy overcame his fear of buttons by going to doctors and getting treatment for his phobia. And so now with that in mind… Felinophobia (Fear of Cats) Hey, listen up, I do not have a lot of time to tell you my story, she is looking and it will not be long before he finds me. My name is Larry, and if I could pinpoint a time in my life when all this started, I would have to say that it started a few years ago. These traumatic experiences may not seem like much to you, but when it adds up, it is a lot to me. When I was younger I got all the attention I needed, anytime I came into the room I was shown affection.

Kisses and hugs galore, who could ask for anything more. Everyone was always calling my name, and I would go wherever they were. My domain was practically in the yard. I would play a game where my friend Chris would throw a ball and then I would get it and give it to him. We did this nearly everyday.

I would also have to say I am well taken care of. There is always enough food for me and plenty to drink. A warm bed and a soft blanket to comfort me through the night. Of, course some nights it did not seem to keep me as warm as I would have liked it to.

Then, one day, I entered the house where I live and I saw this thing. It moved like I did, had face like mine, at least at the time I thought so. Little teeth and ears, the scent was different, but I thought I was looking into a mirror. I had a new friend to play with. Her name is Shelly. At first it was the most fun I ever had.

We would chase each other back and forth all the time. Other days we would run and jump off the furniture in the house, and play hide and seek. Oh the fun we had together. But then it she started getting rougher with me. Sometimes I would come around a corner and as fast as she could she would jump on me and scare me half to death. Shelly began waiting for me to go to sleep, then run up on me and swat me and took off.

The only way I knew it was her was the fact that she had a distinct scent to her. It is a difficult scent to describe, one mixed with the shampoo specifically made for her, a perfume type of shampoo. Did you hear that? Listen, it sounds like soft footsteps coming, hold… on… phew, I think I was just hearing things.

Where was I, oh yes, the sneakiness of her foul acts. A lot of times she would sneak behind me while I was eating, bite me, and then run off while I was trying to figure out what happened and why I was pain. She is a terrible creature. I get all tensed up when I think she is around me.

It is a horrible way to live. I think she is around every corner. There will be sounds of her coming behind me and I quickly turn around fast as lightning and she is not behind me at all. A lot of times I jump out of my sleep expecting her to be there right in front of me about to hit me.

I get light head sometimes and dizzy. My breath seems to escape from me and wants to fly away as far as it can go from me forever. Believe it or not, I get hot and cold sweats. When I eat I sometimes get a sudden feeling of nausea and this anxiety overwhelms me to the point I run and hide. When I hear my name being said I sometimes do not go.

I know she will hear it too, and be somewhere hiding, waiting for me. She out grew me in the years that followed our first playful times together. I know for a fact that she enjoys my misery. She always has this grin on her face and this look in her eyes that just see right through me. My limbs go numb and all I want to do is hide. I think I am going to be sick now.

All this talk is starting to get to me; I am having this tremendous pain in my stomach. Please make it stop, just breathe, huh whooo, huh whooo, that is a little better. I just needed to tell somebody in case anything happens to me. One day she may touch me and I will suddenly explode. Do not tell anyone I told you this. It may bring serious repercussions to me.

She is not to be trusted, heed this as a warning. You never know if this will happen to you. Oh my goodness, what is that. I see you, grrrr rrr, come here, come here, I got you, yes I do.

Wait a minute, that is just my tail. I really dislike when that happens. It is hard being a Japanese chin; we are smart and lovable dogs. Just know that those cats are not as nice and innocent as they look. It all comes down to this, I am now paranoid when turning corners. I have trouble breathing and seeing when I smell her scent or any scent like hers.

If I see a similar face to Shelly’s, I get dizzy and light headed. If I catch a breath of her scent or see anything remotely close to resembling her I get these panic attacks. When I think of her while I am eating, I start to feel sick to the stomach. I have been trying hard to overcome all this, but it is really difficult. I have heard that it is not hopeless, there is a chance that I may be able to be normal again. Until then, take care, I will do the same as best as I can.

Now it is time for me to go to sleep. Even now I feel like there is something behind me, breathing on me. It is probably nothing, but I still need to look. Ahhhh hhhh! Reference: Lisette M.

Saavedra, Wendy K. Silverman. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Nov 2002 v 41 i 11 p 1376 (4) (2266 words) A. De Jong h, J. van der Burg, M. van Over meir, I.

Aar tman, F. J. van Zuuren. Behaviour Research and Therapy Sept 2002 v 40 i 9 p 1017 (13) Craig N. Sawchuk, Jeffrey M. Lohr, David H.

Westend orf, Suzanne A. Meunier, David F. To lin. Behaviour Research and Therapy Sept 2002 v 40 i 9 p 1031 (16) Worth Publishers. Psychology. Hockenbury and Hockenbury, 2003 Fred Culbertson July 17, 1995 web.